University of Utah
School of Computing

Technical Reports

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Number Title Authors Abstract Complete report
2003 Technical Reports
UUCS-03-001 Random Walk Based Heuristic Algorithms for Distributed Memory Model Checking. Hemanthkumar Sivaraj and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-002 A Gaussian Accelerator for Sphinx 3. Binu K. Mathew, Al Davis, Zhen Fang abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-003 From Motes to Java Stamps: Smart Sensor Network Testbeds. Thomas C. Henderson, Jong-Chun Park, Nate Smith and Richard Wright abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-03-004 Interactive, GPU-Based Level Sets for 3D Brain Tumor Segmentation. Aaron E. Lefohn, Joshua E. Cates, Ross T. Whitaker abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-005 Interactive Deformation and Visualization of Level Set Surfaces using Graphics Hardware. Aaron E. Lefohn, Joe M. Kniss, Charles D. Hansen, Ross T. Whitaker abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-006 Cramer-Rao Bounds for Nonparametric Surface Reconstruction from Range Data. Tolga Tasdizen and Ross Whitaker abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-007 Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction. Tolga Tasdizen and Ross Whitaker abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-008 Penumbra Maps. Chris Wyman and Charles Hansen abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-009 Interactive Raytraced Caustics. Chris Wyman, Charles Hansen, Peter Shirley abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-010 Analyzing the Intel Itanium Memory Ordering Rules Using Logic Programming and SAT. Yue Yang, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Gary Lindstrom, Konrad Slind abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-011 UVSIM User Manual (version 1.0) Lixin Zhang abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-012 Perceiving Virtual Geographical Slant: Action Influences Perception. Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Amy A. Gooch, Cynthia S. Sahm, and William B. Thompson abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-03-013 Closed-Form Approximations to the Volume Rendering Integral with Gaussian Transfer Functions. Joe Kniss, Simon Premoze, Milan Ikits, Aaron Lefohn and Charles Hansen abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-015 A Generic Operational Memory Model Specification Framework for Multithreaded Program Verification Yue Yang, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, and Gary Lindstrom abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-016 The Influence of Restricted Viewing Conditions on Egocentric Distance Perception: Implications for Real and Virtual Environments Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Peter Willemsen, Amy A. Gooch, and William B. Thompson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-03-017 Cluster-Based Interactive Volume Rendering with Simian Christiaan Gribble, Xavier Cavin, Mark Hartner, and Charles Hansen abstract pdf ps
2002 Technical Reports
UUCS-02-001 Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images. Erik Reinhard, Michael Stark, Peter Shirley, Jim Ferwerda abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-002 Perception-Driven Black-and-White Drawings and Caricatures. Bruce Gooch, Erik Reinhard, Amy Gooch abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-003 Geometric Surface Processing via Normal Maps. Tolga Tasdizen, Ross Whitaker, Paul Burchard, Stanley Osher abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-004 Verifying a Virtual Component Interface-based PCI Bus Wrapper Using an LSC-Based Specification. Annette Bunker and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-005 B-Splines for Physically-Based Rendering Michael M. Stark, William Martin, Elaine Cohen, Tom Lyche and Richard F. Riesenfeld abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-006Formal Aspects of Anonymity. Robert Morelli abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-02-007 Visual Cues for Perceiving Distances from Objects to Surfaces Helen H. Hu, Sarah H. Creem, Amy A. Gooch, William B. Thompson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-008 Agent-based Engineering Drawing Analysis. Thomas C. Henderson and Lavanya Swaminathan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-009 An Experimental Comparison of Perceived Egocentric Distance in Real, Image-Based, and Traditional Virtual Environments using Direct Walking Tasks. Peter Willemsen, Amy Ashurst Gooch abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-010Isosurfaces and Level-set Surface Models. Ross Whitaker abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-02-011Formalizing the Java Memory Model for Multithreaded Program Correctness and Optimization. Yue Yang, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, and Gary Lindstrom abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-013A Personalized System for Conversational Recommendations. Cynthia A. Thompson, Mehmet H. Goker, and Pat Langley abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-014Expressive Modular Linking for Object-Oriented Languages. Sean McDirmid, Wilson C. Hsieh, Matthew Flatt abstract pdf ps
UUCS-02-015Does the Quality of the Computer Graphics Matter When Judging Distances in Visually Immersive Environments? William B. Thompson, Peter Willemsen, and Amy A. Gooch abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-02-016Higher-order nonlinear priors for surface reconstruction. Tolga Tasdizen, Ross Whitaker abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-02-017A GPU-Based, Three-Dimensional Level Set Solver with Curvature Flow. Aaron Lefohn, Ross Whitaker abstract pdf N/A
2001 Technical Reports
UUCS-01-001 Leadership Protocol for S-Nets. Thomas Henderson. abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-01-002 Natural Image Statistics for Computer Graphics. Erik Reinhard, Peter Shirley and Tom Troscianko. abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-01-003 Towards a Formal Model of Shared Memory Consistency for Intel Itanium. Prosenjit Chatterjee and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. N/A N/A ps
UUCS-01-004 Performance Studies of PV: An On-the-fly Model-checker for LTL-X Featuring Selective Caching and Partial Order Reduction. Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Ratan Nalumasu, Robert Palmer, Prosenjit Chatterjee and Ben Prather. abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-01-005 Temporally Coherent Interactive Ray Tracing William Martin, Steven Parker, Erik Reinhard, Peter Shirley and William Thompson. abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-01-006 Verifying a Virtual Component Interface-based PCI Bus Wrapper with FormalCheck. Annette Bunker and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. abstract pdf ps
UUCS-01-007 Formal Specification of the Virtual Component of Interface Standard in the Unified Modeling Language. Annette Bunker and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. abstract pdf ps
UUCS-01-008 Unified MRM Cache: A Low-power Cache Architecture Using a Local Word Line Gating Technique. Gi-Ho Park, Sally A. McKee and John B. Carter. N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-01-009 Description of Funtionality of the Impulse Memory Controller. Lixin Zhang. abstract pdf ps
UUCS-01-010 An Emulation Platform for Research in Distributed Systems and Networks Jay Lepreau N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-01-011 Volume Currents in Forward and Inverse MEG Simulations using Realistic Head Models. Robert Van Uitert, David Weinstein, and Chris Johnson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-01-012 Formally specifying memory consistency models and automatically generating executable specifications Prosenjit Chatterjee and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-01-013 Runtime Aspect Weaving Through Metaprogramming. Jason Baker and Wilson Hsieh abstract pdf ps
UUCS-01-014 Static and Dynamic Structure in Design Patterns. Eric Eide, Alastair Reid, John Regehr, Jay Lepreau abstract pdf ps
UUCS-01-015 Maya: Multiple-Dispatch Syntax Extension in Java. Jason Baker and Wilson C. Hsieh abstract pdf ps
2000 Technical Reports
UUCS-00-001 Transaction ordering verification of the PCI 2.1 Protocol using Trace Inclusion. Michael Jones and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-00-002 Design A DRAM Backend for The Impulse Memory System. Lixin Zhang. abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-00-003 Statistical Analysis for FEM EEG Source Localization in Realistic Head Models. Leonid Zhukov, David Weinstein and Chris Johnson. abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-00-004 Localization of Multiple Deep Epileptic Sources in a Realistic Head Model via Independent Component Analysis. David Weinstein, Leonid Zhukov and Geoffery Potts. abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-00-005 Error Bounded Approximate Reparametrization of NURBS Curves. Mark Bloomenthal and Elaine Cohen N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-00-006 Automatic Image Creation via Artistic Composition Principles. Bruce Gooch, Chris Moulding, Donald Nelson, Richard Riesenfeld, Peter Shirley and Brian Smits N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-00-007 Automatic Painting with Economized Strokes. Bruce Gooch, Greg Coombe and Peter Shirley N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-00-008 Direct Ray of Smoothed and Displacement Mapped Triangles. Brian Smits, Peter Shirley and Michael M. Stark abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-00-009 Separating Surfaces: Extraction, Smoothing and Simplification. David Weinstein N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-00-010 Processes KaffeOS: Isolation, Resource Management and Sharing Java. (Superceded by version published at OSDI 2000. Godmar Back, Wilson Hsieh and Jay Lepreau N/A N/A ps
UUCS-00-012 Vertex-Based Formulations of Irradiance From Polyganal Sources. Michael M. Stark abstract pdf ps
UUCS-00-013 Global Illumination Test Scenes. Brian Smits and Henrik Wann Jensen N/A pdf ps
UUCS-00-014 An Anisotropic Phong Light Reflection Model. Michael Ashikhmin and Peter Shirley N/A pdf N/A
UUCS-00-015 URSIM Reference Manual. Lixin Zhang abstract pdf ps
UUCS-00-016 Night Rendering. Simon Premose, Henrik Wann Jensen, Peter Shirley, William B. Thompson, James A. Ferwerda and Michael M. Stark abstract pdf ps
UUCS-00-017 Artistic Vision: Painterly Rendering Using Computer Vision Techniques. Bruce Gooch, Greg Coombe and Peter Shirley N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-00-018 Coregistration of Pose Measurement Devices Using Least Squares Parameter Estimation. Milan Ikits abstract pdf ps
UUCS-00-019 Reaction-Diffusion Processes as a Computational Paradigm. Thomas Henderson N/A pdf ps
1999 Technical Reports
UUCS-99-001 The Use of Subtle Illumination Cues for Human Judgement of Spatial Layout. Cindee Madison, Daniel J. Kersten, William B. Thompson, Peter Shirley and Brian Smits. abstract pdf N/A
UUCS-99-002 Memory System Support for Image Processing. Lixin Zhang, John B. Carter, Wilson C. Hsieh and Sally A. McKee. N/A pdf ps
UUCS-99-003 Supporting Persistent C++ Objects in a Distributed Storage System. Yury Izrailevsky, Anand Raganathan, Sai Susarla, John Carter and Gary Lindstrom. N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-004 Using Reliable Multicast for Caching and Collaboration within the World Wide Web. Kristin Wright. N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-005 Stream Bundles - Cohesive Advection through Flow Fields. David Weinstein, Gordon Kindlmann, Eric Lundberg N/A N/A ps
UUCS-99-006 Design of a Parallel Vector Access Unit for SDRAM Memory Systems. Binu K. Mathew, Sally A. McKee, John B. Carter and Al Davis abstract pdf ps
UUCS-99-007 Formalization and Analysis of a Solution to the PCI 2.1 Bus Transaction Ordering Problem: PVS Files. Abdel Mokkedem, Ravi M. Hosabettu, Michael D. Jones and Ganesh C. Gopalakrishnan N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-008 Using Khazana to Support Distributed Application Development. Yury Izrailevsky, Sai Susarla, Anand Ranganathan, John Carter. 18 pgs. N/A N/A ps
UUCS-99-012 Fast and Exact Logic Minimization for Extended Burst-Mode Controllers. Hans Jacobsen. N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-012 Design-space Exploration of Most-recent-only Communication Using Myrinet on SGI ccNUMA Architectures. Rodney Freier, Al Davis and William Thompson N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-013 Design and Validation of a Simultaneous Multithreaded DLX Microprocessor. Hans Jacobsen abstract pdf ps
UUCS-99-014 Lead Field Basis for FEM Source Localization. Leonid Zhukov, David Weinstein and Chris Johnson N/A N/A ps
UUCS-99-015 Deciding Satisfiability for Presburger Formulae Using Automata, Rewriting and a Model Checker. Jones, Michael D., Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Palaith Narendran N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-016 The I^3Stick: An Inexpensive, Immersive, Interaction Device. J. Dean Brederson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-99-017 ISIM: The Simulator for The Impulse Adaptable Memory System. Lixin Zhang abstract pdf ps
UUCS-99-018 Reference Manual of Impulse System Calls. Lixin Zhang and Leigh Stoller abstract pdf ps
UUCS-99-019 Formal Verification of a Superscaler Pipelined Processor with Speculative execution and Exceptions. Ravi Hosabettu. N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-020 Hardware-Only Stream Prediction + Cache Prefetching + Dynamic Access Ordering. Chienqiang Zhang and Sally A. McKee N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-021 A Comparison of Online Superage Promotion Mechanisms. Zhen Fang and Lixin Zhang abstract pdf ps
UUCS-99-022 Profiling I/O Interrupts in Modern Architectures. Lambert Schaelicke, Al Davis and Sally McKee N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-023 A Painterly Approach to Human Skin. Peter-Pike Sloan, Bruce Gooch, William Martin, Amy Gooch N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-024 Exploring the Value of Supporting Multiple DSM Protocols in Hardware DSM Controllers. Ravidra Kuramkote and John Carter N/A N/A N/A
UUCS-99-024 Shortest Paths in Sensor Snow. Thomas C. Henderson and Yu Chen N/A N/A N/A
1998 Technical Reports
CSTD-98-001 Fast Isosurface Extraction Using Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods Xu Ji abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-001 Feature-Based Process Planning for CNC Machining Elaine Cohen, Samuel Drake, Russell Fish, and Richard F. Riesenfeld abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-002 Decomposing the Proof of Correctness of Pipelined Microprocessors Ravi Hosabettu, Mandayam Srivas and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-003 Smart Sensor Snow Thomas C. Henderson, Mohamed Dekhil, Scott Morris and William B. Thompson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-004 Constraint Jacobians for Constant-Time Inverse Kinematics and Assembly Optimization Donald Nelson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-005 The analytic 3-D transform for the least-squared fit of three pairs of corresponding points David M. Weinstein abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-006 An Interior Ellipsoid Algorithm for Fixed Points Zhijian Huang and Kris Sikorski abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-007 Visual Glue William Thompson, Peter Shirley, Brian Smits, Daniel Kersten and Cindee Madison abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-008 The `Test Model-checking' Approach to the Verification of Formal Memory Models of Multiprocessors Ratan Nalumasu Rajnish Ghughal, Abdel Mokkedem and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-009 Khazana: An Infrastructure for Building Distributed Services John Carter, Anand Ranganathan and Sai Susarla. abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-010 AS-COMA: An Adaptive Hybrid Shared Memory Architecture Chen-Chi Kuo, John B. Carter, Ravindra Kuramkote and Mark Swanson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-011 Design Alternatives for Shared Memory Multiprocessors John B. Carter, Chen-Chi Kuo, Ravindra Kuramkote and Mark Swanson. abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-012 SWIG User's Manual David Beazley abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-013 Interface and Execution Models in the Fluke Kernel Bryan Ford, Mike Hibler, Jay Lepreau, Roland McGrath and Patrick Tullmann abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-014 The Flask Security Architecture: System Support for Diverse Security Policies Ray Spencer, Stephen Smalley, Peter Loscocco, Mike Hibler, David Andersen and Jay Lepreau abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-015 Java Operating Systems: Design and Implementation Godmar Back, Patrick Tullmann, Leigh Stoller, Wilson C. Hsieh and Jay Lepreau abstract pdf ps
UUCS-98-017 A Partial Order Reduction Algorithm without the Proviso RatanNalumasu and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. abstract pdf ps
1997 Technical Reports
CSTD-97-002 TrISH - Transparent Integrated Storage Heirarchy: A Hierarchical Storage Management System for the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System Sidney G. Bytheway abstract pdf ps
CSTD-97-003 Schema Coercion: Using Database Meta-Information to Facilitate Data Transfer Terence Critchlow abstract pdf ps
CSTD-97-004 Representation of and Modeling with Arbitrary Discontinuity Curves in Sculptured Surfaces Marc S. Ellens abstract pdf ps
CSTD-97-005 Feature-Based Process Planning and Automatic Numerical Control Part Programming Chih-Cheng Ho abstract pdf ps
UUCS-97-003 Minimum Distance Queries for Polygonal and Parametric Models David E. Johnson and Elaine Cohen abstract pdf ps
UUCS-97-007 Asynchronous Microengines for Efficient High-level Control Hans Jacobson and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-97-008 Analysis of Avalanche's Shared Memory Architecture Ravindra Kuramkote, John Carter, Alan Davis, Chen-Chi Kuo, Leigh Stoller and Mark Swanson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-97-009 Deriving Efficient Protocols through Refinement RatanNalumasu and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-97-011 Instrumented Sensor System Architecture Thomas C. Henderson and Mohamed Dekhil abstract pdf ps
UUCS-97-014 Instrumented Sensor System - Practice Mohamed Dekhil and Thomas C. Henderson. abstract pdf ps
UUCS-97-016 Cache-Rings for Memory Efficient Isosurface Construction David M. Weinstein abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-004 Robotic Prototyping Environment(Progress Report) Mohamed Dekhil, Tarek Sobh, Thomas Henderson, and Robert Mecklenburg Contact Professor

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