Submitting a Tech Report
- Send an email to requesting a Tech Report number. The request should include the title, author and a PDF copy of full report, including the abstract.
- A faculty member must approve any Tech Report. This should be the student's advisor or co-author on the paper. Failing that the Director of Grad Studies should review the paper and make the approval decision.
- A Tech Report number is then assigned and emailed to the author requesting the number.
- The author prepares a cover page (using this template), inserts it at the beginning of Tech Report and creates a PDF file of the complete document. The author must then submit the revised PDF. A Postscript file may also be included, as an additional item, but the PDF file is required.
- The Tech Report is then entered into the repository and linked to the web page.
MS Theses and PhD Dissertations
It is a School of Computing policy that all theses and dissertations will be submitted as Tech Reports. These Tech Reports are submitted as above but will be maintained as a separate list.