University of Utah
School of Computing

Submitting a Tech Report

  1. Send an email to requesting a Tech Report number. The request should include the title, author and a PDF copy of full report, including the abstract.
  2. A faculty member must approve any Tech Report. This should be the student's advisor or co-author on the paper. Failing that the Director of Grad Studies should review the paper and make the approval decision.
  3. A Tech Report number is then assigned and emailed to the author requesting the number.
  4. The author prepares a cover page (using this template), inserts it at the beginning of Tech Report and creates a PDF file of the complete document. The author must then submit the revised PDF. A Postscript file may also be included, as an additional item, but the PDF file is required.
  5. The Tech Report is then entered into the repository and linked to the web page.

MS Theses and PhD Dissertations

It is a School of Computing policy that all theses and dissertations will be submitted as Tech Reports. These Tech Reports are submitted as above but will be maintained as a separate list.

School of Computing • 50 S. Central Campus Dr. Rm. 3190 • Salt Lake City, UT 84112
801-581-8224 • Send comments to

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