1993 Technical Reports
UUCS-93-001 Radioptimization-Goal Based Rendering Kawai, John, James Painter & Michael Cohen abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-005 Modules as Values In a Persistent Object Store Bracha, Gilad, Charles F. Clark, Gary Lindstrom, and Douglas B. Orr abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-006 A Framework For Module-Based Language Processors Banavar, Guruduth & Gary Lindstrom abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-007 Active Inspection and Reverse Engineering Sobh, Tarek M., Jonathan Owen, Chris Jaynes, Mohamed Dekhil, and Thomas C. Henderson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-009 Story: A Hierarchical Animation and Storyboarding System for Alpha_1 Blum, Michael S., Robert Mecklenburg abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-010 ? ? abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-012 Notes on Thread Models in Mach 3.0 Ford, Bryan; Mike Hibler; and Jay Lepreau abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-013 Prototyping a Robotic Manipulator and Controller Sobh, Tarek; Mohamed Dekhil, Thomas C. Henderson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-014 Intermediate Results in Active Inspection and Reverse Engineering Sobh, Tarek; Jonathan Owen; Chris Jaynes; Mohamed Dekhil; Thomas C. Henderson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-017 A Transformational Approach to Asynchronous High-Level Synthesis Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-020 Peephole Optimization of Asynchronous Networks through Process Composition and Burst-mode Machine Generation Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; and Prabhakar Kudva abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-021 Prototyping Environment for Robot Manipulators Dekhil, Mohamed; Tarek M. Sobh; and Thomas C. Henderson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-93-023 Concurrent Engineering and Robot Prototyping Dekhil, Mohamed; Tarek M. Sobh; Thomas C. Henderson; and Robert Mecklenburg abstract pdf ps