1992 Technical Reports
UUCS-92-001 Specification and Validation of Control-Intensive Integrated Circuits in hopCP Akella, Venkatesh & Ganesh Gopalakrishnan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-004 A Correctness Criterion For Asynchronous Circuit Validation And Optimization Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh, Erik Brunvand & Nick Michell abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-005 Dynamic Reordering of High Latency Transactions in Time-Warp Simulation Using A Modified Micropipeline Liebchen, Armin & Ganesh Gopalakrishnan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-007 The Programming Language Jigsaw: Mixins, Modularity and Multiple Inheritance Bracha, Gilad abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-008 Asynchronous Circuit Verification Using Trace Theory and CCS Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-009 Our LIPS Are Sealed: Interfacing Logic and Functional Programming Systems Lindstrom, Gary, Jan Maluszynki & Takeshi Ogi abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-009a HOP: A Formal Model For Synchronous Circuits Using Communicating Fundamental Mode Symbolic Automata Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-011 Distributed Garbage Collection Algorithm Terence Critchlow abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-012 Towards a verification Technique for Large Synchronous Circuits Jain, Prabhat, Prabhakar Kudva & Ganesh Gopalakrishnan abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-017 Second Order Surface Analysis Using Hybrid Symbolic and Numeric Operators Elber, Gershon & Elaine Cohen abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-019 High Level Optimizations in Compiling Process Descriptions To Asynchronous Circuits Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh & Venkatesh Akella abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-023 Hybrid Symbolic and Numeric Operators as Tolls for Analysis of Freeform Surfaces Elber, Gershon & Elaine Cohen abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-026 A Communication-Oriented Task Graph Allocation Algorithm Evans, John D. & Robert R. Kessler abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-029 The NSR Processor Prototype Richardson, William F. & Erik Brunvand abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-032 Free Form Surface Analysis Using A Hybrid of Symbolic and Numeric Computation Gershon Elber abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-033 OMOS - an Object Server for Program Execution Orr, Douglas B. & Robert W. Mecklenburg abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-034 Dynamic Program Monitoring and Transformation Using the OMOS Object Server Orr, Douglas B., Robert W. Mecklenburg, Peter J. Hoogenboom & Jay Lepreau abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-035 A Dynamic Framework for Intelligent Inspection Sobh, Tarek M., Chris Jaynes & Thomas C. Henderson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-036 A Dynamic Recursive Structure for Intelligent Exploration Sobh, Tarek M., Mohamed Dekhil, Chris Jaynes, and Thomas C. Henderson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-037 Using Utilization Profiles in Allocation and Partitioning for Multiprocessor Systems Evans, John D. and Robert R. Kessler abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-038 Constraint Objects- Integrating Constraint Definition and Graphical Interaction Hsu, Ching-yao and Beat Bruderlin abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-040 Adaptive Isocurves Based Rendering for Freeform Surfaces Elber, Gershon abstract pdf ps
UUCS-92-041 Autonomous Observation Sobh, Tarek M abstract pdf ps