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GNU and MzScheme's Internal design
Ji-Yong D. Chung wrote:
> I needed something on a server to respond reasonably fast
> to a scripting request (XML processing request) from a client
> application. I suppose I could have implemented a Fortran interpreter
> (just a compiler would not have worked) for this --
> but I have not seen a working one, and it would have been
> pain in the neck for me to find or write such a thing.
I was being sarcastic. So sarcastic, in fact, that you seem to have
taken my response literally.
My point is that the issue of "efficient compilers" is so broad and
ill-defined that, for the questions you posed, even a patently
nonsensical answer would suffice. It is still wholly unclear to me
why you need to be modifying MzScheme at all. You haven't specified
your application context (until this message, and only vaguely), your
bottlenecks, your constraints, your resources, your users, etc, etc.
> It is actually easier to just write a simple Scheme
> interpreter that approximates MzScheme's performance.
I don't speak for my colleagues here, only myself, but I'm a bit
disappointed that you would use this list merely as a resource to get
answers to difficult questions you have. I wish you would look into
constructive ways of collaboration instead. The Scheme world has
absolutely no need for additional implementations with their own
little deficiencies and non-standard quirks.
By the way, a request to people replying to email on this list: please
take a moment to edit out headers to remove the addresses of
individuals who are clearly on the plt-scheme list. I think it's safe
to say we all get enough mail without having to sort through
duplicates as well. Thanks.