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Re: GNU and MzScheme's Internal design
Shriram Krishnamurthi <sk@cs.brown.edu> writes:
| By the way, a request to people replying to email on this list: please
| take a moment to edit out headers to remove the addresses of
| individuals who are clearly on the plt-scheme list. I think it's safe
| to say we all get enough mail without having to sort through
| duplicates as well. Thanks.
And a request to those people who are on the plt-scheme list and
don't want copies of mail: please use Mail-copies-to (and/or
Mail-followup-to if that seems suitable) header if you don't want
copies of email. I'm rather reluctant (although I do try to do it
most of the time, like in this particular case) to ponder who's on
the list and who's not and *manually* (duh! I have a computer for
this kind of dull stuff) edit addresses away if those persons don't
themselves bother to indicate their desire not to receive personal
copies. I've personally also started to use the note in a
signature because several people use MUAs that don't yet understand
Please don't send copies of list mail