The OSKit Project

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The OSKit is fully "open source" so you can ftp software releases and snapshots from the OSKit FTP site. Take a look at our Licensing policy to see how we're dealing with this issue. Snapshots and releases are mirrored

Current snapshot:

Previous snapshots:

Mirrors Sites:

Additional Software you might find useful:

  • Netboot on a Floppy.
    A handy Web hack! Generate your own ``netboot'' floppy, customized for your ethernet hardware.
  • Kaffe on the OSKit.
    Support for Kaffe on the OSKit.
  • Click.
    Version 1.0.6 of the Click Modular Router software for the OSKit. With some small modifications and additional support provided by the Flux group, you can build ``flexible and configurable routers'' that run on bare metal. Note: Click is known to work with Snapshot 20000901 of the OSKit, but not earlier versions.
  • FSCK Kernel.
    The FSCK oskit kernel can be used to check FreeBSD disk partitions.
  • Rsync Kernel.
    An OSKit rendition of the popular rsync file transfer utility.

[ Janos ] [ The OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Alchemy/Knit ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke/Flask ]
Flux Research Group / School of Computing / University of Utah

Problems? Contact the Oskit Web Admin.
Last updated March 16, 2002.