Undergraduate Students Recognized by CRA
December 23, 2020

The Computing Research Association Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Program recently recognized four School of Computing undergraduate students who demonstrated outstanding potential in computing research.
Finalist – Nithin Chalapathi (top left)
Honorable mention – Oliver Flatt (top right)
Honorable mention – Garrett Moseke (bottom left)
Honorable mention – Austin Watkins (bottom right)
The CRA award program recognizes undergraduate students in North American colleges and universities who show outstanding potential in an area of computing research. Undergraduates in the School of Computing contribute to cutting-edge research in all areas of computer science.
We are incredibly proud that four of our students were recognized by CRA this year, including one that was a Finalist for the Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award. This award is extremely competitive, and these honors show that undergraduates here at Utah are actively solving interesting problems in our field.