15.4 Code Inspectors for Trusted and Untrusted Code🔗ℹ

Code inspectors provide the mechanism for determining which modules are trusted to use functions like module->namespace or unsafe modules like ffi/unsafe. When a module is declared, the value of current-code-inspector is associated to the module declaration. When a module is instantiated (i.e., when the body of the declaration is actually executed), a sub-inspector is created to guard the module’s exports. Access to the module’s protected exports requires a code inspector that is stronger (i.e., higher in the inspector hierarchy) than the module’s instantiation inspector; note that a module’s declaration inspector is always stronger than its instantiation inspector, so modules are declared with the same code inspector can access each other’s exports.

To distinguish between trusted and untrusted code, load trusted code first, then set current-code-inspector to the result of (make-inspector (current-code-inspector)) to install a weaker inspector, and finally load untrusted code with the weaker inspector in place. The weaker inspector should stay in place when any untrusted code is run. If necessary, trusted code can restore the original inspector temporarily during the dynamic extent of trusted code (as long as it does not call back into untrusted code).

Syntax-object constants within a module, such as literal identifiers in a template, retain the inspector of their source module. In this way, a macro from a trusted module can be used within an untrusted module, and protected identifiers in the macro expansion still work, even through they ultimately appear in an untrusted module. To prevent abuse of identifiers by extracting them from expanded code, functions like local-expand are protected, and functions like expand return tainted syntax if not given a sufficiently powerful inspector.

Compiled code from a ".zo" file is inherently untrustworthy, unfortunately, since it can be synthesized by means other than compile. When compiled code is written to a ".zo" file, syntax-object constants within the compiled code lose their inspectors. All syntax-object constants within compiled code acquire the enclosing module’s declaration-time inspector when the code is loaded.