GOOGLE on campus

September 30, 2015


October 1, 2015

4:00 – 5:00PM

3147 MEB

Chad Brubaker 
Android Security Engineer

Nogotofail: Making sure TLS is done right
Secure communication is ever more important with the shift to mobile. This talk covers why using TLS everywhere is critical, how TLS gets used insecurely, and introduces the nogotofail tool made by the Android Security team for finding insecure and improperly secured network traffic from devices and applications.


October 2, 2015

2:00 – 3:00 PM

3147 MEB

Chad Brubaker 
Android Security Engineer

Careers at Google: Laying The Groundwork
Ever wanted to know what its like working at Google or what you should be doing to best prepare yourself to work at a place like Google? Come to Laying The Groundwork where we’ll discuss Google, what life is like at Google, and provide resume tips, education advice, and answer any questions you might have about working at Google. We’ll talk about both full-time jobs for graduating students as well as internships for both undergraduate and graduate students and other opportunities for students further away from graduating.