1997 Technical Reports |
CSTD-97-002 |
TrISH - Transparent Integrated Storage Heirarchy: A Hierarchical Storage Management System for the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System |
Sidney G. Bytheway |
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CSTD-97-003 |
Schema Coercion: Using Database Meta-Information to Facilitate Data Transfer |
Terence Critchlow |
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CSTD-97-004 |
Representation of and Modeling with Arbitrary Discontinuity Curves in Sculptured Surfaces |
Marc S. Ellens |
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CSTD-97-005 |
Feature-Based Process Planning and Automatic Numerical Control Part Programming |
Chih-Cheng Ho |
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UUCS-97-003 |
Minimum Distance Queries for Polygonal and Parametric Models |
David E. Johnson and Elaine Cohen |
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UUCS-97-007 |
Asynchronous Microengines for Efficient High-level Control |
Hans Jacobson and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan |
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UUCS-97-008 |
Analysis of Avalanche's Shared Memory Architecture |
Ravindra Kuramkote, John Carter, Alan Davis, Chen-Chi Kuo, Leigh Stoller and Mark Swanson |
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UUCS-97-009 |
Deriving Efficient Protocols through Refinement |
RatanNalumasu and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan |
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UUCS-97-0011 |
Instrumented Sensor System Architecture |
Thomas C. Henderson and Mohamed Dekhil |
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UUCS-97-0014 |
Instrumented Sensor System - Practice |
Mohamed Dekhil and Thomas C. Henderson. |
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UUCS-97-0016 |
Cache-Rings for Memory Efficient Isosurface Construction |
David M. Weinstein |
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