CS Undergraduate Enrollment Up
March 2, 2017

A new report by the Computer Research Association (CRA) states that an increase in undergraduate enrollment in computer science degrees and courses is higher than the previous booms in the 1980s and 1990s.
A CRA committee that conducted the study, which included SoC professor Mary Hall, calls this new trend “Generation CS.”
“The goal of the survey was to assess how widespread is the computer science enrollment surge and how universities are managing increased enrollments,” Hall said. “As the results of this study will be used by universities and the data is being included in an upcoming National Academies [of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine] Computer Science and Telecommunications Board report, we had to produce a careful and thoughtful product.”
Based on a survey of more than 225 computer science departments, the committee found that the average number of undergraduate CS majors is larger today than at any previous time (see graphic).
Click here to read the report.