

Chief Scientist, Alibaba


Kingsum is currently a Chief Scientist at Alibaba Systems Software Hardware Co-Optimization. Since receiving Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Washington in 1996, he has been working on performance, modeling and analysis of software applications. He has been issued more than 20 patents. He has presented more than 80 technical papers. Kingsum appeared four times in JavaOne keynotes and almost a dozen times in JavaOne and Oracle OpenWorld presentations covering the topic of software performance systems and optimization.

In his spare time, he volunteers to coach multiple robotics teams to bring the joy of learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to the K-12 students in his community. His teams appeared in national and world championships three times, taking home best programming in 2010 and best sensor technology and machine learning for robotics in both 2014 and 2015.

Rajeev Balasubramonian

Professor, University of Utah


Rajeev Balasubramonian is a Professor at the School of Computing, University of Utah. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Rochester in 2003. His current research focuses on memory hierarchies, memory security, and neuromorphic architectures. He is a recipient of an NSF CAREER award, multiple teaching awards/commendations from the University of Utah, and multiple best paper awards at conferences.

He has collaborated with several industry groups, including groups at Intel, IBM, Samsung, HP, NVIDIA, and AMD. Prof. Balasubramonian’s research group has contributed multiple tools to the architecture research community, including CACTI 6, USIMM, and CACTI 7. He has served as Program Chair of ISPASS 2011 and General Chair of ISPASS 2012 and ASPLOS 2014.

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JVM Lead, Alibaba


Sanhong is JVM lead at Alibaba. He has been working on Java since 2004, where he began at Intel Asia-Pacific R&D Lab implementing JSR135. He joined IBM in 2008 to improve runtime security on OSGi platform. He progressed to working on the development of IBM's Java Virtual Machine in 2010, where he led a project to develop multi-tenancy technology for the JVM.

In 2014, he joined in Alibaba to lead the development for Alibaba JDK, a customized OpenJDK version. Sanhong Li has presented at local and international conferences such as JVM language summit, JavaOne and QCon. He co-leads Shanghai Java User Group and co-chairs APMCon. He has authored over 10 technical papers and a number of technical patents.



Chris has led both internal research initiatives and academic collaborations touch diverse topics such as value-prediction, branch-prediction, cache organization, prefetching, and speculative execution. Chris is currently focusing on platform mechanisms to improve system performance when running complex, interacting workloads. Chris has filed more than 50 patents and authored more than 30 papers in various refereed journals and conference proceedings.


PhD Student, University of Utah


Karl is a 4th year PhD student studying computer science at the University of Utah. While he is part of the Utah Arch lab, his research involves both software and system. His thesis centralizes around program phase detection and both hardware and software optimization, all with a machine learning flavor.

Karl has interned with Intel Labs twice, focusing on dynamic hardware optimization via the Platform Auto Configuration and Tuning collaboration, which was presented at last year's tutorial. The work also produced two patents during the course of his internships. More recently, the phase detector component of the on going research project was accepted at this year's ISPASS.