SWE Events

Opening Ice Cream Social
Come hang out with SWE in the Catmull Gallery on September 20th from 3:00PM-4:00PM for our back to school social! We will be serving ice cream floats, and providing information on the University of Utah SWE Section. Come and learn about outreach, professional development, and other upcoming events! Join us at the end for a general member meeting and prizes.
Evening With Industry (EWI)
Please join the Society of Women Engineers and their sponsors for one of the largest professional development events of the year! This is a great opportunity to network with representatives from different engineering companies the day after the career fair, including: Autoliv, BD Medical, Bard Access, BioFire, Chevron, Dell, Goldman Sachs, L3, Moog, TD Williamson, and Space Dynamics Lab. Join SWE in a networking hour, plus dinner and dessert with 2 different companies and their representatives. The event will be held on Wednesday, September 27th, 2017 from 6pm-9pm on the 7th floor of the Business Building (SFEBB). Please visit swe.utahclubs.org/event/evening-with-industry/ to sign up today!


Register for HackTheU!

Registration for this year’s HackTheU is now open for in-state students. This year’s 24-hour hackathon will be held in Rice-Eccles Tower on October 27th to October 28th.
HackTheU is what’s called an “invention marathon,” a place where you can learn, build, and share your creations with others. Get together your friends or meet new people at the hackathon and create a team of up to 5 members. Then get working on an awesome project for the next 24 hours.
At the end, we’d love for you to share and present your creation to all of us. We’ll have judges look over the project and give out awards and prizes for various categories. You don’t need to be super comfortable with programming, all you need is a drive for technology. You’ll have plenty of support from our sponsors and fellow attendees to help get your creation off the ground.
This year the theme is centered around Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data. It’ll have great deal of free food, plenty of caffeinated/non-caffeinated beverages to get you through the night, tons of cool keynote speakers, insightful workshops, and several awesome sponsors.
Interested? Register at www.hacktheu.com.

Free Coffee and Doughnuts TODAY!

The School of Computing’s UGSAC is having their first event of the semester!

All computer science students and professors welcome. Come get free coffee and donuts and take the opportunity to talk with some awesome students and professors.


                   Date: TODAY Tues, Sept. 12, 2017

                   From: 3PM-5PM

IMG_4407                   Location: MEB 3147