Google Summer of Code!

March 7, 2016

So two times in the past I was involved with Google Summer of Code (GSoC) through the NASA’s Java Pathfinder project ( Pathfinder is NASA’s tool for analysis of Java programs and finding bugs in them, and it has been used on their critical software in the past. It is also just really cool to collaborate with people who work for NASA :). As it turns out, Java Pathfinder got accepted as an organization to be a part of this year’s Google Summer of Code again.

For more information see: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

There are numerous student projects available, and students can come up with their own twist too. Ideally, a student will be able to contribute to a popular open source software analysis platform, and earn $5500 along the way :).

Please drop me a note if you are interested in applying.

Even more importantly, please spread the word among your peers.


— Zvonimir