Package Management GUI Libraries
The gui-pkg-manager provides GUI support for package management.
(make-pkg-gui [ #:wrap-terminal-action wrap-terminal-action #:initial-tab initial-tab]) → (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>) wrap-terminal-action : (-> (-> any) any) = (λ (t) (t))
initial-tab : (or/c 'by-source 'installed 'from-list 'migrate) = 'by-source
Opens the package manager GUI starting with the initial-tab selected.
The wrap-terminal-action function is passed a thunk that it is expected to invoke, possibly after redirecting the current-output-port and current-error-port to point to an existing GUI window.
(make-pkg-installer [ #:parent parent #:wrap-terminal-action wrap-terminal-action #:package-to-offer package-to-offer]) → (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>) parent : (or/c #f (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>)) = #f wrap-terminal-action : (-> (-> any) any) = (λ (t) (t)) package-to-offer : (or/c #f string?) = #f
Opens a specialized version of the make-pkg-gui window that contains only the
'by-source panel.
The wrap-terminal-action function is passed a thunk that it is expected to invoke, possibly after redirecting the current-output-port and current-error-port to point to an existing GUI window.
(pkg-catalog-update-local/simple-status-dialog [#:parent parent])
→ void? parent : (or/c (is-a?/c frame%) (is-a?/c dialog%) #f) = #f
Calls pkg-catalog-update-local with a simple dialog%
that shows which catalog servers are being consulted.