14 Frame
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(send a-frame:basic get-area-container%)
→ (implementation?/c area-container<%>) The class that this method returns is used to create the area-container<%> in this frame.
(send a-frame:basic get-area-container)
→ (is-a?/c area-container<%>) This returns the main area-container<%> in the frame
(send a-frame:basic get-menu-bar%) → (subclass?/c menu-bar%)
The result of this method is used to create the initial menu bar for this frame.Return menu-bar%.
(send a-frame:basic make-root-area-container class parent) → (is-a?/c area-container<%>) class : (implementation?/c area-container<%>) parent : (is-a?/c area-container<%>) Override this method to insert a panel in between the panel used by the clients of this frame and the frame itself. For example, to insert a status line panel override this method with something like this:
(class ... ... (define status-panel #f) (define/override (make-root-area-container cls parent) (set! status-panel (super make-root-area-container vertical-pane% parent)) (let ([root (make-object cls status-panel)]) ; ... add other children to status-panel ... root)) ...) In this example, status-panel will contain a root panel for the other classes, and whatever panels are needed to display status information.
The searching frame is implemented using this method.
Its implementation is:
(inherit can-close? on-close) (define/public (show) (when (can-close?) (on-close) (show #f)))
(send a-frame:basic editing-this-file? filename) → boolean?
filename : path? Indicates if this frame contains this buffer (and can edit that file).Returns #f.
(send a-frame:basic get-all-open-files) → (listof path?)
Indicates the files that are currently open in this frame.Returns '().
Added in version 1.74 of package gui-lib.
(send a-frame:basic get-filename [temp]) → (or/c #f path?)
temp : (or/c #f (box boolean?)) = #f This returns the filename that the frame is currently being saved as, or #f if there is no appropriate filename.Returns #f by default.
If temp is a box, it is filled with #t or #f, depending if the filename is a temporary filename.
(send a-frame:basic make-visible filename [ #:start-pos start-pos #:end-pos end-pos]) → void? filename : (or/c path-string? symbol?) start-pos : #f = (or/c #f exact-nonnegative-integer?) end-pos : start-pos = (or/c #f exact-nonnegative-integer?) Makes the file named by filename visible (intended for use with tabbed editing), using port-name-matches? to find the editor if filename is a symbol?.If both start-pos and end-pos are numbers, sets the insertion point to the range from start-pos and end-pos.
Changed in version 1.75 of package gui-lib: generalized the filename argument to allow symbols and added the start-pos and end-pos arguments.
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Overrides show in top-level-window<%>.Calls the super method.When on? is #t, inserts the frame into the frame group and when it is #f, removes the frame from the group.Overrides can-exit? in top-level-window<%>.First, it calls exit:set-exiting with #t. Then, it calls exit:can-exit?. If it returns #t, so does this method. If it returns #f, this method calls exit:set-exiting with #f.Overrides on-exit in top-level-window<%>.Calls exit:on-exit and then queues a callback to call Racket’s exit function. If that returns, it calls exit:set-exiting to reset that flag to #f.
(send a-frame:basic on-superwindow-show shown?) → void?
shown? : any/c Overrides on-superwindow-show in window<%>.Notifies the result of (group:get-the-frame-group) that a frame has been shown, by calling the frame-shown/hidden method.
(send a-frame:basic on-drop-file pathname) → void?
pathname : string? Overrides on-drop-file in window<%>.Calls handler:edit-file with pathname as an argument.
(send a-frame:basic after-new-child) → void?
Overrides after-new-child in area-container<%>.Raises an exception if attempting to add a child to this frame (except if using the make-root-area-container method).
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Overrides show in top-level-window<%>.When on? is #t, adds this frame to the front of the list of frames stored with the frame’s eventspace. When on? is #f, this method removes this frame from the list.Augments on-close in top-level-window<%>.Removes this frame from the list of frames stored with the frame’s eventspace.
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(send a-frame:size-pref adjust-size-when-monitor-setup-changes?)
→ boolean? Determines if the frame’s size should be automatically adjusted when the monitors configuration changes.Defaults to returning #f.
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(new frame:size-pref-mixin [size-preferences-key size-preferences-key] [ [position-preferences-key position-preferences-key] [width width] [height height] [x x] [y y]] ...superclass-args...) → (is-a?/c frame:size-pref-mixin) size-preferences-key : symbol? position-preferences-key : (or/c symbol? #f) = #f width : (or/c dimension-integer? #f) = #f height : (or/c dimension-integer? #f) = #f x : (or/c position-integer? #f) = #f y : (or/c position-integer? #f) = #f The size-preferences-key symbol is used with preferences:get and preferences:set to track the current size.If present, the position-preferences-key symbol is used with preferences:get and preferences:set to track the current position.
Both preferences are tracked on a per-monitor-configuration basis. That is, the preference value saved is a mapping from the current monitor configuration (derived from the results of get-display-count, get-display-left-top-inset, and get-display-size).
Passes the x, y, and width and height initialization arguments to the superclass and calls maximize based on the current values of the preferences.
See also frame:setup-size-pref.
(send a-frame:size-pref on-size width height) → void? width : dimension-integer? height : dimension-integer? Updates the preferences, according to the width and height. The preferences key is the one passed to the initialization argument of the class.
x : position-integer? y : position-integer? Updates the preferences according to the x,y position, if position-preferences-key is not #f, using it as the preferences key.
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(send a-frame:register-group can-close?) → boolean?
Augments can-close? in top-level-window<%>.Calls the inner method, with a default of #t. If that returns #t, it checks for one of the these three conditions:
exit:exiting? returns #t
there is more than one frame in the group returned by group:get-the-frame-group, or
the procedure exit:user-oks-exit returns #t.
If any of those conditions hold, the method returns #t.Augments on-close in top-level-window<%>.First calls the inner method. Next, calls the remove-frame method of the result of group:get-the-frame-group with this as an argument. Finally, unless exit:exiting? returns #t, and if there are no more frames open, it calls exit:exit.
(send a-frame:register-group on-activate on?) → void?
on? : boolean? Overrides on-activate in top-level-window<%>.
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(send a-frame:status-line open-status-line id) → void?
id : symbol? Creates a new status line identified by the symbol argument. The line will not appear in the frame until a message is put into it, via update-status-line.
(send a-frame:status-line close-status-line id) → void?
id : symbol? Closes the status line id.
(send a-frame:status-line update-status-line id status) → void? id : symbol? status : (or/c #f string?) Updates the status line named by id with status. If status is #f, the status line is becomes blank (and may be used by other ids).
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(send a-frame:status-line make-root-area-container class parent) → (is-a?/c panel%) class : (subclass?/c panel%) parent : (is-a?/c panel%) Overrides make-root-area-container in frame:basic<%>.Adds a panel at the bottom of the frame to hold the status lines.
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(send a-frame:info determine-width str canvas text) → integer str : string canvas : (is-a?/c editor-canvas%) text : (is-a?/c text%) This method is used to calculate the size of an editor-canvas% with a particular set of characters in it. It is used to calculate the sizes of the edits in the status line.
(send a-frame:info lock-status-changed) → void?
This method is called when the lock status of the editor<%> changes.Updates the lock icon in the status line panel.
(send a-frame:info update-info) → void?
This method updates all of the information in the panel.
(send a-frame:info set-info-canvas canvas) → void?
canvas : (or/c (is-a?/c canvas:basic%) #f) Sets this canvas to be the canvas that the info frame shows info about. The on-focus and set-editor methods call this method to ensure that the info canvas is set correctly.
(send a-frame:info get-info-canvas)
→ (or/c (is-a?/c canvas:basic%) #f) Returns the canvas that the frame:info<%> currently shows info about. See also set-info-canvas
(send a-frame:info get-info-editor)
→ (or/c #f (is-a?/c editor<%>)) Override this method to specify the editor that the status line contains information about.Returns the result of get-editor.
(send a-frame:info get-info-panel)
→ (is-a?/c horizontal-panel%) This method returns the panel where the information about this editor is displayed.Shows the info panel.See also is-info-hidden?.
Hides the info panel.See also is-info-hidden?.
(send a-frame:info is-info-hidden?) → boolean?
Result indicates if the show info panel has been explicitly hidden with hide-info.If this method returns #t and (preferences:get 'framework:show-status-line) is #f, then the info panel will not be visible. Otherwise, it is visible.
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(send a-frame:info make-root-area-container class parent) → (is-a?/c area-container<%>) class : (subclass?/c area-container<%>) parent : (is-a?/c area-container<%>) Overrides make-root-area-container in frame:basic<%>.Builds an extra panel for displaying various information.Augments on-close in top-level-window<%>.Removes the GC icon with unregister-collecting-blit and cleans up other callbacks.
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(send a-frame:text-info set-macro-recording on?) → void?
on? : boolean? Shows/hides the icon in the info bar that indicates if a macro recording is in progress.
(send a-frame:text-info overwrite-status-changed) → void?
This method is called when the overwrite mode is turned either on or off in the editor<%> in this frame.
(send a-frame:text-info anchor-status-changed) → void?
This method is called when the anchor is turned either on or off in the editor<%> in this frame.
(send a-frame:text-info editor-position-changed) → void?
This method is called when the position in the editor<%> changes.
(send a-frame:text-info add-line-number-menu-items menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item-container<%>) This method is called when the line/column display in the info bar is clicked. It is passed a menu-item-container<%> that can be filled in with menu items; those menu items will appear in the menu that appears when line/colun display is clicked.
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Augments on-close in top-level-window<%>.removes a preferences callback for 'framework:line-offsets. See preferences:add-callback for more information.
(send a-frame:text-info update-info) → void?
Overrides update-info in frame:info<%>.
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Removes the preferences callbacks for the menu items
→ (is-a?/c menu:can-restore-underscore-menu%) The result of this method is used as the class for creating the result of these methods: get-file-menu, get-edit-menu, and get-help-menu.
(send a-frame:standard-menus get-menu-item%)
→ (is-a?/c menu:can-restore-menu-item%) The result of this method is used as the class for creating the menu items in this frame.Returns menu:can-restore-menu-item by default.
(send a-frame:standard-menus get-checkable-menu-item%)
→ (is-a?/c menu:can-restore-checkable-menu-item%) The result of this method is used as the class for creating checkable menu items in this class.returns menu:can-restore-checkable-menu-item by default.
(send a-frame:standard-menus get-file-menu) → (is-a?/c menu%)
Returns the file menu. See also get-menu%.
(send a-frame:standard-menus get-edit-menu) → (is-a?/c menu%)
Returns the edit menu. See also get-menu%.
(send a-frame:standard-menus get-help-menu) → (is-a?/c menu%)
Returns the help menu. See also get-menu%.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-new-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-new?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-new?) → boolean?
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:new-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(begin (handler:edit-file #f) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:new-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:new-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant new-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:new-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant new-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-new-and-open menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the new and the open menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-open-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-open?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-open?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(begin (handler:open-file) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant open-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant open-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-open-recent-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-open-recent?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-open-recent?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-recent-callback x y) → void? x : (is-a?/c menu-item%) y : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-recent-on-demand menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(handler:install-recent-items menu)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-recent-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant open-recent-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-recent-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant open-recent-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-open-and-revert menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the open and the revert menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-revert-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-revert?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-revert?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:revert-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:revert-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:revert-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant revert-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:revert-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant revert-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-revert-and-save menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the revert and the save menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-save-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-save?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-save?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant save-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant save-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-save-as-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-save-as?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-save-as?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-as-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-as-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-as-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant save-as-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-as-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant save-as-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-save-as-and-print menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the save-as and the print menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-print-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-print?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-print?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:print-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:print-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:print-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant print-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:print-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant print-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-print-and-close menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the print and the close menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.Defaults to creating a separator-menu-item%.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-close-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-close?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-close?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:close-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:close-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:close-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (if (eq? (system-type) 'unix) (string-constant close-menu-item) (string-constant close-window-menu-item)).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:close-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant close-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-close-and-quit menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the close and the quit menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-quit-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-quit?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-quit?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:quit-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(when (exit:user-oks-exit) (exit:exit))
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:quit-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:quit-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (if (eq? (system-type) 'windows) (string-constant quit-menu-item-windows) (string-constant quit-menu-item-others)).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:quit-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant quit-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:after-quit menu) → void?
menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called after the addition of the quit menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-undo-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-undo?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-undo?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:undo-callback menu evt) → void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to
(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'undo))) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:undo-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'undo)))) (send item enable enable?))
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:undo-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant undo-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:undo-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant undo-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-redo-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-redo?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-redo?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:redo-callback menu evt) → void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to
(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'redo))) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:redo-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'redo)))) (send item enable enable?))
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:redo-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant redo-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:redo-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant redo-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-redo-and-cut menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the redo and the cut menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.Defaults to creating a separator-menu-item%.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-cut-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-cut?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-cut?) → boolean?
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:cut-callback menu evt) → void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to
(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'cut))) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:cut-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'cut)))) (send item enable enable?))
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:cut-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant cut-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:cut-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant cut-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-cut-and-copy menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the cut and the copy menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-copy-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-copy?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-copy?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:copy-callback menu evt) → void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to
(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'copy))) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:copy-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'copy)))) (send item enable enable?))
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:copy-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant copy-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:copy-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant copy-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-copy-and-paste menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the copy and the paste menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-paste-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-paste?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-paste?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:paste-callback menu evt) → void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to
(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'paste))) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:paste-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'paste)))) (send item enable enable?))
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:paste-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant paste-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:paste-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant paste-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-paste-and-clear menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the paste and the clear menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-clear-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-clear?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-clear?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:clear-callback menu evt) → void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to
(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'clear))) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:clear-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'clear)))) (send item enable enable?))
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:clear-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (if (eq? (system-type) 'windows) (string-constant clear-menu-item-windows) (string-constant clear-menu-item-windows)).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:clear-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant clear-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-clear-and-select-all menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the clear and the select-all menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-select-all-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-select-all?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-select-all?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #t.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:select-all-callback menu evt) → void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to
(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'select-all))) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:select-all-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'select-all)))) (send item enable enable?))
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:select-all-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant select-all-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:select-all-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant select-all-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-select-all-and-find menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the select-all and the find menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.Defaults to creating a separator-menu-item%.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-find-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-find?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-find?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant find-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant find-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-find-from-selection-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-find-from-selection?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-find-from-selection?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-from-selection-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-from-selection-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-from-selection-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant find-from-selection-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-from-selection-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant find-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-find-next-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-find-next?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-find-next?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-next-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-next-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-next-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant find-next-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-next-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant find-next-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-find-previous-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-find-previous?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-find-previous?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-previous-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-previous-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-previous-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant find-previous-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-previous-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant find-previous-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-show/hide-replace-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-show/hide-replace?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-show/hide-replace?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:show/hide-replace-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:show/hide-replace-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:show/hide-replace-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant show-replace-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:show/hide-replace-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant show/hide-replace-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-replace-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-replace?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-replace?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant replace-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant replace-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-replace-all-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-replace-all?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-replace-all?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-all-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-all-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-all-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant replace-all-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-all-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant replace-all-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-find-case-sensitive-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-find-case-sensitive?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-find-case-sensitive?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-case-sensitive-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-case-sensitive-on-demand item)
→ void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-case-sensitive-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant find-case-sensitive-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-case-sensitive-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant find-case-sensitive-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-find-and-preferences menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called between the addition of the find and the preferences menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-preferences-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-preferences?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-preferences?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:preferences-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(begin (preferences:show-dialog) #t)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:preferences-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:preferences-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant preferences-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:preferences-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant preferences-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:after-preferences menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called after the addition of the preferences menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:before-about menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called before the addition of the about menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:get-about-item)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item%)) This method returns the menu-item% object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by help-menu:create-about?).
(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:create-about?)
→ boolean? The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.Defaults to #f.
(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:about-callback item control) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) control : (is-a?/c control-event%) Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:about-on-demand menu-item)
→ void? menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.Defaults to(void)
(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:about-string) → string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item%.Defaults to (string-constant about-menu-item).
(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:about-help-string)
→ string? The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item% object is created.Defaults to (string-constant about-info).
(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:after-about menu)
→ void? menu : (is-a?/c menu-item%) This method is called after the addition of the about menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.
| ||
| ||
Augments on-close in top-level-window<%>.Removes the preferences callbacks for the menu items
| ||
(send a-frame:editor get-entire-label) → string
This method returns the entire label for the frame. See also set-label and set-label-prefix.
(send a-frame:editor get-label-prefix) → string?
This returns the prefix for the frame’s label.
(send a-frame:editor set-label-prefix prefix) → void?
prefix : string? Sets the prefix for the label of the frame.
(send a-frame:editor get-canvas%)
→ (subclass?/c editor-canvas%) The result of this method is used to create the canvas for the editor<%> in this frame.Returns editor-canvas%.
(send a-frame:editor get-canvas<%>) → (is-a?/c canvas:basic%)
The result of this method is used to guard the result of the get-canvas% method.
(send a-frame:editor get-editor%)
→ (implementation?/c editor<%>) The result of this class is used to create the editor<%> in this frame.Override this method to specify a different editor class.
Returns the value of the init-field editor%.
(send a-frame:editor get-editor<%>) → interface?
The result of this method is used by make-editor to check that get-editor% is returning a reasonable editor.Returns editor<%>.
(send a-frame:editor make-editor) → (is-a?/c editor<%>)
This method is called to create the editor in this frame. It calls get-editor<%> and uses that interface to make sure the result of get-editor% is reasonable.Calls (make-object get-editor%).
Loads the most recently saved version of the file to the disk. If the editor<%> is a text%, the start and end positions are restored.
format : (or/c 'guess 'standard 'text 'text-force-cr 'same 'copy) = 'same Saves the file being edited, possibly calling save-as if the editor has no filename yet.Returns #f if the user cancels this operation (only possible when the file has not been saved before and the user is prompted for a new filename) and returns #t if not.
format : (or/c 'guess 'standard 'text 'text-force-cr 'same 'copy) = 'same Queries the use for a file name and saves the file with that name.Returns #f if the user cancels the file-choosing dialog and returns #t otherwise.
(send a-frame:editor get-canvas) → (is-a?/c canvas%)
Returns the canvas used to display the editor<%> in this frame.
(send a-frame:editor get-editor) → (is-a?/c editor<%>)
Returns the editor in this frame.
(send a-frame:editor find-editor predicate)
→ (or/c (is-a?/c editor<%>) #f) predicate : ((is-a?/c editor<%>) . -> . boolean?) Finds an editor matching the predicate, or returns #f if there isn’t any.
| ||
| ||
(new frame:editor-mixin [filename filename] [editor% editor%] [ [parent parent] [width width] [height height] [x x] [y y] [style style] [enabled enabled] [border border] [spacing spacing] [alignment alignment] [min-width min-width] [min-height min-height] [stretchable-width stretchable-width] [stretchable-height stretchable-height]]) → (is-a?/c frame:editor-mixin) filename : string? editor% : (implementation?/c editor:basic<%>) parent : (or/c (is-a?/c frame%) false/c) = #f width : (or/c dimension-integer? false/c) = #f height : (or/c dimension-integer? false/c) = #f x : (or/c position-integer? false/c) = #f y : (or/c position-integer? false/c) = #f
style :
(listof (or/c 'no-resize-border 'no-caption 'no-system-menu 'hide-menu-bar 'mdi-parent 'mdi-child 'toolbar-button 'float 'metal)) = null enabled : any/c = #t border : spacing-integer? = 0 spacing : spacing-integer? = 0
alignment : (list/c (or/c 'left 'center 'right) (or/c 'top 'center 'bottom)) = '(center top) min-width : dimension-integer? = graphical-minimum-width min-height : dimension-integer? = graphical-minimum-height stretchable-width : any/c = #t stretchable-height : any/c = #t
(send a-frame:editor get-filename) → (or/c #f path?)
Overrides get-filename in frame:basic<%>.Returns the filename in the editor returned by get-editor.
(send a-frame:editor editing-this-file? filename) → boolean?
filename : path? Overrides editing-this-file? in frame:basic<%>.Returns #t if the filename is the file that this frame is editing.
(send a-frame:editor get-all-open-files) → (listof path?)
Overrides get-all-open-files in frame:basic<%>.Returns a list of all the paths for files that are open in this frame.Added in version 1.74 of package gui-lib.
Augments on-close in frame:standard-menus<%>.Calls the editor:basic<%>’s method on-close.
(send a-frame:editor can-close?) → void?
Augments can-close? in top-level-window<%>.Calls the editor:basic<%>’s method can-close?.Returns the portion of the label after the hyphen. See also get-entire-label.Sets the label, but preserves the label’s prefix. See also set-label-prefix.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:open-callback item evt) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>) evt : (is-a?/c mouse-event%) Overrides file-menu:open-callback in frame:standard-menus<%>.Calls handler:open-file with the directory of the saved file associated with this editor (if any).
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:revert-on-demand) → void?
Overrides file-menu:revert-on-demand in frame:standard-menus<%>.Disables the menu item when the editor is locked.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:revert-callback item evt) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Overrides file-menu:revert-callback in frame:standard-menus<%>.Informs the user that this action is not undoable and, if they still want to continue, calls revert.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:create-revert?) → boolean?
Overrides file-menu:create-revert? in frame:standard-menus<%>.returns #t.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:save-callback item evt) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Overrides file-menu:save-callback in frame:standard-menus<%>.Saves the file in the editor.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:create-save?) → boolean?
Overrides file-menu:create-save? in frame:standard-menus<%>.returns #t.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:save-as-callback item evt) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Overrides file-menu:save-as-callback in frame:standard-menus<%>.Prompts the user for a file name and uses that filename to save the buffer. Calls save-as with no arguments.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:create-save-as?) → boolean?
Overrides file-menu:create-save-as? in frame:standard-menus<%>.returns #t.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:print-callback item evt) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Overrides file-menu:print-callback in frame:standard-menus<%>.Calls the print method of editor<%> with the default arguments, except that the output-mode argument is the result of calling preferences:get with 'framework:print-output-mode.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:create-print?) → boolean?
Overrides file-menu:create-print? in frame:standard-menus<%>.returns #t.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:between-save-as-and-print file-menu)
→ void? file-menu : (is-a?/c menu%) Overrides file-menu:between-save-as-and-print in frame:standard-menus<%>.Creates a Print Setup menu item if can-get-page-setup-from-user? and file-menu:create-print? both return true.
(send a-frame:editor edit-menu:between-select-all-and-find edit-menu)
→ void? edit-menu : (is-a?/c menu%) Overrides edit-menu:between-select-all-and-find in frame:standard-menus<%>.Adds a menu item for toggling auto-wrap in the focused text.
(send a-frame:editor help-menu:about-callback item evt) → void? item : (is-a?/c menu-item%) evt : (is-a?/c control-event%) Overrides help-menu:about-callback in frame:standard-menus<%>.Calls message-box with a message welcoming the user to the application named by application:current-app-name
(send a-frame:editor help-menu:about-string) → string
Overrides help-menu:about-string in frame:standard-menus<%>.Returns the result of (application:current-app-name)
(send a-frame:editor help-menu:create-about?) → boolean?
Overrides help-menu:create-about? in frame:standard-menus<%>.returns #t.
| ||
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| ||
(new frame:text-mixin [editor% editor%])
→ (is-a?/c frame:text-mixin) editor% : (extends text%) Calls the super initialization with either the value of the editor% init or, if none was supplied, it passes text%.
(send a-frame:text get-editor<%>) → interface
Overrides get-editor<%> in frame:editor<%>.
| ||
| ||
| ||
(new frame:pasteboard-mixin [editor% editor%])
→ (is-a?/c frame:pasteboard-mixin) editor% : (extends pasteboard%) Calls the super initialization with either the value of the editor% init or, if none was supplied, it passes pasteboard%.
(send a-frame:pasteboard get-editor<%>) → interface
Overrides get-editor<%> in frame:editor<%>.
| ||||
(send a-frame:delegate get-delegated-text)