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When I try the following in "103.5":

        (define odbc-version 3.51)
        (require-library "schemeql.ss" "schemeql")

I get:

        unit: used an unbound or non-primitive global in: get-diag-field

Francisco, I saw your previous mail about this in the archive (re: how the odbc.ss file is referenced in schemeqlr.ss), but that doesn't seem to be the cause; indeed, in the version I have that file is in the same directory as odbc.ss, which is how I presume you later fixed the problem you were describing.

(FYI, when I try the above in 103 I get a GPF unless I add a line:

        (define odbc-version 3.51)
        (require-library "srpersist.ss" "srpersist")
        (require-library "schemeql.ss" "schemeql")

after which I get the same error as above.)