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Bitmaps and the Mac.
Hi all,
I am attempting to develop a system in the DrScheme environment which
will be portable across PC and Mac computers. However, I'm having a
few problems with the Mac version, and wondered if there are any
other Mac users out there with similar problems / suggestions.
Firstly, I should say I'm writing code on both a PC (under Windows
ME) and the Mac (a G4, with OS 9.1). The PC environment is very
usable, and I am attempting to port working code to the Mac. I've
uncovered problems with bitmaps, their creation and saving to file.
As an example, I use the 'face' drawing routine from the help files
(under Drawing Toolbox Overview). The relevant part is as follows:
; Create a 300 x 300 bitmap
(define face-bitmap (make-object bitmap% 300 300))
; Create a drawing context for the bitmap
(define bm-dc (make-object bitmap-dc%))
; Direct the drawing context to the bitmap
(send bm-dc set-bitmap face-bitmap)
; A new bitmap's initial content is undefined, so clear it before drawing
(send bm-dc clear)
; Draw the face into the bitmap
(draw-face bm-dc)
Problem 1: I am having memory problems with creating a bitmap. e.g.
If I create a large bitmap, say 5000 x 5000, Scheme fails to create a
bitmap, giving error
set-bitmap in memory-dc%: bad bitmap: #<object:bitmap%>
More alarming, if I use a smaller size, 2500x2500, I get the error
message on every other attempt to execute the code. i.e. Execute ->
works, Execute -> fails, Execute -> works, ...
How much space do I need for bitmaps? I am allowing 100Mb to the
MrEd PPC program.
(I haven't tried the larger sizes on my PC, which has a third the RAM
of my Mac, but uncovered the memory problem with the small size of
Problem 2: The reason I'm creating a bitmap in my program is merely
so as to save it, i.e. with a (send face-bitmap save-file "file-name"
'pict) command.
This works fine on the PC, but refuses to do anything but return #f on the Mac
("file-name" is selected using the put-file dialog, and has correct path, etc).
Any suggestions? Is there a better way to save the contents of a canvas?
Finally, I find that launchers must be created in the plt directory,
and only aliases can be located elsewhere, such as the Desktop. Is
that a problem with my setup as, again, I don't have that on the PC?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Dr. Peter Lane
ESRC Centre for Research in Development,
Instruction and Training (CREDIT)
School of Psychology, University of Nottingham
Email: pcl@psychology.nottingham.ac.uk
Tel: + 44 (0) 115 951 5310
Fax: + 44 (0) 115 951 5324
URL: http://www.psychology.nottingham.ac.uk/staff/Peter.Lane