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Error when starting DrScheme ...

I've been using DrScheme for some time, on a Window's 2000 system, 
installed from Binary. It's the 103p1 -- standard stable version available 
in binary.

A couple days ago, I started getting the following error when I'd attempt 
to start up:

Internal Error:
apply: expects type <proper list> as 3rd argument, given: |||; other 
arguments were: #<primitive:hash- ... #<hash-table>

This appeared both in an Error dialog and in the Standard Output window.

The middle character of the given argument was an upper ascii value of some 
sort. The only thing that I could see to do was exit.

The installation had been working just fine. I tried uninstalling and 
reinstalling, but continue to get the same problem. Any suggestions? Any 
pointers to archives of similar problems? I've done some searching in the 
mailing list archives without finding anything similar.
