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Re: Specialized input parsing for code/REPL in DrScheme?
Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Embedding languages:
> 1. Scheme is expressive enough [in my sense, not Turing's] to cope with
> (the core of) all the languages you mention in a non-interpretive
> manner. Specifically, we could write direct mappings from Python
> constructs to Scheme constructs w/o global compiler technology.
> Especially when Shriram finishes unit/lang, we will be able to do
> exactly as you wish.
Looking forward to it. Can you point to more details on this work?
Python is a bit tricky since like Forth in a way you are executing a
program to make another program when you load some code. If some such
behavior had to be sacrificed though, it might be OK in Python (probably
not in Forth though).
Also, watch out for Python 2.0 where they added "import X as Y" which
lets you rename acquired libraries on the fly. (You could always do this
in a few lines of Python code, but this makes it easy). I love the level
of modularity this provides, because you are not stuck using
(potentially conflicting) names in your code set by the library author
(except in importing). I'd love to see this with versioning added (i.e.
"Import X version 1.4+ as Y").
One value to having all these languages implemented in Scheme and
relying on comprehensive common libraries is that they could evolve more
quickly given a commonly understood infrastructure which was easier to
work with than C (which most of the accessible implementations are
written in).
Of course, then one might start looking into a Squeak-like architecture
for generation of Scheme infrastructure from a Scheme definition
translated to C...
> 2. We have considered this issue and believe it to be a research issue with
> funding promise. If you truly care, we should consider collaborating. We
> need someone who prefers non-parenthetical languages; haven't found
> anyone with enough experience on both sides of the divide :-)
Well, I'd certainly be quite interested -- if the result was intended to
be open source. Otherwise it might just compete badly for mindshare with
Microsoft's common language runtime -- whereas if it is open source it
could ride that wave as the open source alternative.
I don't have the Scheme/Lisp developer skills of most people on this
list, but I am fairly familiar with many of the others and I'd love to
get the core of Smalltalk, C, Forth, an Assembler, Python, Self,
NewtonScript, Basic and whatever else living together in one
well-supported open source cross-platform framework. I like all sorts of
languages -- although I will admit I lean to the Smalltalk syntax when
doing OO type programming, and in general prefer significant indentation
like Python or Occam to explicit block markers or parens.
I wrote something on this on Dec. 27, 1996 to the Squeak list under the
title "Squeak and the Babel of programming languages" -- since I thought
Squeak was another vehicle for this integration. The focus of the Squeak
community since has been mainly in other directions, although Disney has
been working on one simpler "scripting" language for inclusion with
It would probably make sense to discuss the specifics of collaboration
privately, but I thought I'd reprise part of that thread (a reply I
wrote Dec. 29, 1996) below for reference and to invite additional
general comments.
=== comments on using Squeak which are also applicable to DrScheme ===
What I meant in my post was that the Squeak environment & development
tools could be used to support multi-programming-language software
development, and that this might be very worth doing. One thing I think
people often forget when they discuss the merits of OO (and Smalltalk in
particular) is that Smalltalk typically is more than a language. It is
a garbage collected system with a large library, code browsers, message
send tracing (ex. senders of..), change controls, incremental compiling,
great debugger, immediate expression evaluation, and run time type
safety. I would rather program in Macro Assembler in such an
environment than in Smalltalk (just the language, in a text editor)
without all these features. I would even argue that 90% of the benefit
of using Smalltalk comes from these features - although it is true that
the Smalltalk language makes these features easier to implement. The
intent of my post was to say, maybe we can take that 90% and apply it to
other languages using Squeak as the base.
My reasoning for wanting to support various languages is that different
programming language syntaxes are better for various tasks. This is for
two reasons. One is that the programmer may be able to express the goal,
process, or data in a more elegant way in one language than another.
The other is that some languages map more readily to current CPU
architectures (speedy array indexing, speedy operations on a limited
number of native types, etc.) and may thus require less run-time
calculations for supporting their emulation on real hardware.
For example, I find the nested list structure of Lisp very useful to
define data. I use this construct all the time in VisualWorks Smalltalk
using nested arrays. If I had to input various points to run some
process, I might write something that interpreted a specification like:
#((pointA 10 20) (pointB 30 40)). [The VisualWorks user manual is
incorrect in stating you need '#' in front of internal symbols]. Think
of VisualWorks windowSpecs as an example of defining a window using the
array in a very lisp-like way. I was involved with a project that built
an entire GUI framework definer system for VisualWorks that uses
Smalltalk arrays to specify adapters to link GUI elements and domain
data. Using that system, I can build complicated GUI windows with only
two methods - the windowSpec and a method with one nested array. The
superclass handles interpreting this array.
Am I programming in Smalltalk when I write this nested array?
At some point I have to wonder if it is harder to write Smalltalk to do
fancy things with lists than just using Lisp. Without wanting to start
a long discussion on that point, let me just say there is a lot of code
freely available in Lisp to do AI & natural language sorts of things
which I'd like to play with. My first significant programming in a
language with full O-O support was in ZetaLisp and Flavors on a
Symbolics, and I still think there are some advantages of the Lisp mind
set over the Smalltalk mindset for some parsing tasks (and some
disadvantages too of course.) Lisp also has the advantage over
Smalltalk that purely procedural parts can be compiled to fairly speedy
code. Lisp is widely used in defining other languages; for example,
Macintosh Common Lisp was used to implement Dylan.
For another example, everyone will agree that as far as numerical speed,
Smalltalk is not a good language for number crunching because of the
need for lots of method dispatching in what could otherwise be
statically compiled code for the most part.
That is something inherent in a language that does not restrict types of
function arguments. Smalltalk never knows when you are going to use the
debugger and swap a Float with a String, and so it always has to be at
the ready to give you a friendly 'String does not understand *' in that
case (rather than crash!). Different languages place different demands
on the compile, translator, or interpreter that handles them, and so can
intrinsically be implemented more or less speedily for doing different
tasks. Sure you can get around these by changing the language - like
adding types to Smalltalk (StrongTalk), but that's still my point - that
specific languages have strengths and weaknesses. Can one define one
coherent language that is simple to learn, easy to use, and as efficient
as possible? I don't know. (C++ anyone? <grin>)
=== end older comments ===
Obviously, DrScheme brings different strengths and weaknesses to
supporting multiple languages than say Squeak Smalltalk.
On the one hand, Scheme is faster and more flexible than Smalltalk in a
low level sense (i.e. Scheme can more easily be procedural, object,
functional, intentional, etc.) while still being a good high level
language. In that sense, Scheme is a better choice than Smalltalk for
underlying a multi-lingual system.
On the other hand, the Lisp family development environments typically
don't have quite the integration of tools Smalltalk has historically had
in terms of code browsers and fine grained version control. For example,
with common implementations of Lisp family languages you more likely end
up using grep for finding senders or file based source control for
rolling back code. Obviously, a few Lisp systems do have close analogs
for many Smalltalk tools -- it is mainly the tight integration available
on almost every Smalltalk platform that I am getting at here. These
other Smalltalk technologies could possibly be added into DrScheme --
integrating in ideas like a change log or "senders of" for example
(which might require an elaboration on the notion of "project" or
"image"). Of course, since these browsing tools are designed in
Smalltalk for supporting only one language, in practice the might have
to be redesigned anyway to be multi-lingual.
In general, if one was going to come up with an integration plan,
evaluating good aspects of development environments of other languages
and incorporating them into DrScheme might make sense. I think in
practice this means mostly just looking at Smalltalk tools though -- and
probably focusing mostly on just a handful of operations related to
navigating a web of code (senders, implementors, variable references).
Making those operations work across multi-lingual code (and
multi-paradigm code) would be quite a challenge -- probably requiring
some common underlying representation in Scheme with ties back to the
textual code and/or parse trees.
I think for practicality, certainly at first one might have to sacrifice
some aspects of various languages -- probably their specific support
libraries (replaced by the common one), behavior related to quirks of
the implementation (ex. Python reference counting), and maybe choosing
just one standard exception handling mechanism. Of course, once you've
made those compromises, you really don't quite have the language in the
specific way a programmer may have grown to love it (which often
involves familiarity with a specific GUI or I/O library). So, whether
such a system will ever get good enough to attract people who already
are using a specific implementation of language may be quite an issue.
I think its attraction would hinge on other benefits made possible by
the resources a multi-lingual system might have -- integrated
development tools, comprehensive library, cross-platform development,
stability, easy FFI, and so on. These are resources that each might be
better in a multi-lingual system than any one language has for itself.
Even then, an experienced programmer's interest would probably be
restricted to specific situations -- say a Python programmer who wants a
certain GUI look on the Mac that TK can't easily offer, or a Forth
programmer who wants a cross platform GUI, or an instructor looking for
a more forgiving interpretive C environment.
But still, imagine one well supported cross-platform system hosting all
the most popular and useful languages (as optional downloads, translated
to Scheme behind the scenes, and from there maybe to C or even back to
other languages when possible) with one very well developed, heavily
debugged, and well documented library accessible from all languages
(with FFI, and maybe a link to the GCC back end). For a lot of
situations, there might not be a better choice. Certainly within the
realm of K-12 education, such a platform might provide both teachers and
students with an open ended tool they could find useful for years to
come in a wide variety of different courses. It would also create a new
arena for people interest in programming language design to focus their
efforts, since they get the infrastructure pre-built and so can focus on
the language design.
-Paul Fernhout
Kurtz-Fernhout Software
Developers of custom software and educational simulations
Creators of the Garden with Insight(TM) garden simulator