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Re: Specialized input parsing for code/REPL in DrScheme?
Apologies, this was indeed a bug in the tool that I sent you (I
didn't read my own interfaces carefully enough!). The attached
good-unit.ss should solve the problems you were having. It works in
both debug and non-debug modes (and the teaching languages as well).
Hope that helps,
At 8:50 AM -0400 9/6/00, Paul Fernhout wrote:
>Robby just pointed out that I should be running MrEd without debugging
>to use this feature. I changed the language/debug setting to "Graphical
>without Debugging", reloaded, and now both good-unit and bad-unit
>examples work.
>-Paul Fernhout
>Kurtz-Fernhout Software
>Developers of custom software and educational simulations
>Creators of the Garden with Insight(TM) garden simulator
>Paul Fernhout wrote:
>> I tried the good unit you sent earlier as a tool under the just released
>> 103 (by creating under c:/plt/collects/drscheme/tools" an "indentation"
>> directory with a "unit.ss" file in it from renaming "good-unit.ss"). I
>> got this error message when I tried to execute any code:
(unit/sig ()
(import mred^
[print-convert : mzlib:print-convert^]
[drscheme : drscheme:export^]
[zodiac : zodiac:system^])
(define (my-reader port)
(message-box "my reader!" "my reader!")
(read port))
(lambda (%)
(class % args
(inherit run-in-evaluation-thread)
(rename [super-reset-console reset-console])
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(drscheme:basis:raw-reader my-reader)
;; this just sets all source locations to 0,0
;; so the debugging information is all useless
;; it would be better to develop a reader that
;; returns the zodiac structures directly,
;; instead of using zodiac:structurize-syntax
(opt-lambda ([port/thunk (current-input-port)]
[loc (zodiac:make-zodiac 1 1 #f)]
[script? #t]
[first-column 1])
;; we ignore the script? field for now
(lambda ()
(let ([ans
(if (port? port/thunk)
(lambda ()
(let ([ans (port/thunk)])
[(char? ans) ans]
[(eof-object? ans) eof]
[else #\.])))
(lambda () #t)
(if (eof-object? ans)
(zodiac:make-eof loc)
(zodiac:make-zodiac (zodiac:make-origin
'source 'source)
loc loc))))))))))])
(sequence (apply super-init args))))))