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RE: Windows 2000 users

I have finished building all the projects described in
the README file in plt/src/worksp under Windows 2000
Professional. I'm still having some problems building
MysterX, but it is mostly paths and the fact that I'm
missing some files from the Platform SDK. I will try
to change the MysterX makefiles to use relative paths
rather than absolute so it can be built without path

I have done some minimal testing and things seem to
work ok. I got the games to run under MrEd and
DrScheme. If someone can direct me in what other
things I should test, or what automated tests I can
run, I'll be willing to post the results.

I created a makefile (attached) to be used with nmake
that can be run from plt/src/worksp. It assumes
building with DeveloperStudio 6, and that the tools
are in the path. It works ok if the -a flag is
specified (it has been a while since I created
makefiles so I have some target/dependency problems).
I will eventually integrate the building of MysterX

I hope this helps


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#	Build all the PLT targets
#	Assumes Developer Studio 6 is installed and in the path
#	It could probably be nicer, but it is just automate a full build
#	from the source. If you need better control, then use the projects
#	from within developer studio.

all: devstudio-projects libraries mzcompile

clean: devstudio-projects-clean

#	build developer studio projects


	$(DEVSTUDIOCMD) mzscheme/mzscheme.dsw /MAKE "mzscheme - Win32 Release"
	$(DEVSTUDIOCMD) mred/mred.dsw /MAKE "mred - Win32 Release"
	$(DEVSTUDIOCMD) mzstart/mzstart.dsw /MAKE "mzstart - Win32 Release"
	$(DEVSTUDIOCMD) mrstart/mrstart.dsw /MAKE "mrstart - Win32 Release"

	$(DEVSTUDIOCMD) mzscheme/mzscheme.dsw /MAKE "mzscheme - Win32 Release" /CLEAN
	$(DEVSTUDIOCMD) mred/mred.dsw /MAKE "mred - Win32 Release" /CLEAN
	$(DEVSTUDIOCMD) mzstart/mzstart.dsw /MAKE "mzstart - Win32 Release" /CLEAN
	$(DEVSTUDIOCMD) mrstart/mrstart.dsw /MAKE "mrstart - Win32 Release" /CLEAN

#	this seems tom assume we are sitting at plt/src/mzscheme/dynsrc
	cd ..\mzscheme\dynsrc
	cd ..\..\worksp

#	this seems to work from any directory
	mzscheme.exe -mvqL- setup.ss compiler