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RE: Windows 2000 users

Over the weekend I managed to sucessfully build
MzScheme 101 from the sources on Windows 2000
Professional. I used VC++6 with service pack 3. I also
run the tests and got some failures, but these fail in
the same way under WindowsNT Server 4 using the
binaries downloaded from PLT. I think these failures
are not fatal though. (Details of the failures are at
the end of the message).

I will try to compile MrEd this week, and then try to
run DrScheme.

I'll post the results when I'm done.

Martin Bertolino

Tests log:

The expression:

(load "F:/plt/plt/tests/mzscheme/all.ss")

yields (a lot of output deleted):

(#<procedure:test-counter> (begin0 1 (unit (import)
(export) (unit (import) (exp
ort) (counterm)))))  ==> 1

Performed 13908 expression tests (9730 good
expressions, 4178 bad expressions)
and 8940 exception field tests.

Errors were:
(SECTION (got expected (call)))
((6 5 6) (0.0 -0.0 (#<primitive:string->number>
((reading) (0.0 -0.0 (#<procedure:readstr>

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