Most affiliations are correct.
However, many home pages are their old Utah ones and either absent or old ---
send us updated URLs if you know them.
- Kota
Abe (Osaka City University)
- Vaibhave Agarwal (Decru, a NetApp Company)
- Siddharth Aggarwal (? xxx)
- Chris Alfeld (Nemean Networks;
previously PhD student at Wisconsin-Madison)
- David G. Andersen (Asst. Professor of CS at CMU; previously PhD student at MIT)
- David S. Anderson (UCSD; previously Realm Systems)
- Kevin Atkinson
- Grant Ayers (PhD student at Stanford)
- Godmar Back (Asst. Prof of CS at Virginia Tech; previously postdoc at Stanford)
- Jason Baker (Purdue)
- Guru Banavar (IBM TJ Watson Research)
- Chad Barb (Infinity Ward; previously Sensory Sweep)
- Greg Benson (Assoc. Prof and Chair of CS, Univ. of San Francisco)
- Sid Bytheway
- Venkat Chakravarthy (NetApp)
- Srikanth Chikkulapelly (Amazon)
- Ajay Chitturi (Microsoft)
- Russ Christensen (Microsoft, XBox team)
- Steve Clawson (Alcatel-Lucent via Alcatel)
- Austin Clements (MIT)
- Gary Crum
- Cody Cutler (PhD student at MIT)
- Nathan Dykman (UU CSP group; previously HP, LLNL)
- Russ Fish (Nanorex)
- Dan Flickinger (PhD student in robotics, Univ. of Notre Dame)
- Bryan Ford (MIT; previously Phobos Corp.)
- Jeff Forys (HP/Compaq/DEC; previously NEC)
- Kevin Frei (Microsoft)
- Shantanu Goel (Lehman Brothers)
- Shashi Guruprasad (Cisco Systems, via acquisition of Protego Networks)
- Chris Hawblitzel (Microsoft Research; previously Dartmouth, Cornell)
- Fabien Hermenier (Associate Prof in CS at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
- Edye Hoffmann
- Peter Hoogenboom
(University Health Care)
- Wilson Hsieh (Google)
- Yury Izrailevsky (Yahoo)
- Ryan Jackson (Proofpoint)
- Abhijeet Joglekar (Juniper Networks; previously Intel)
- Linus Kamb (IRIS Consortium)
- Dilip Khandekar (Hewlett-Packard)
- Chung Hwan Kim (PhD student at Purdue)
- Ashwin Kumar
- Jeff Law (Red Hat via Cygnus Solutions)
- Binu Mathew (Apple Computer; previously Stanford, UU CS Impulse project)
- John McCorquodale (Caltech/Utah SCI group)
- Sean McDirmid (EPFL)
- Roland McGrath (previously Fast Forward Networks)
- Todd Miller (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison)
- Ian Mizrahi (SDG; previously Stanford)
- Rob Morelli (Math Dept.)
- Ian Murdock (Sun Microsystems; previously Progeny Linux Systems)
- Amol Nayate (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
- Mac Newbold (Code Greene, Mac Newbold Enterprises)
- Doug Orr (Google; previously Arbor Networks, Inktomi/Fast Forward Networks, Adobe)
- Eric Pabst (Utah Health Informatics)
- Parveen Patel (Microsoft Research)
- Swami Pichumani (Juniper Networks)
- Rob Place (HP)
- Tarun Prabhu (PhD student in CS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Raghuveer Pullakandam (Adobe)
- Prashanth Radhakrishnan (NetApp)
- Anand Ranganathan (founder, Efficient Frontier)
- Alastair Reid (ARM Ltd)
- Paul Roberts (IBM, Boulder)
- Bart Robinson (Riverbed; previously Yahoo via Inktomi via Fast Forward Networks)
- Pramod R Sanaga (Bloomberg, Inc.)
- Woojin Seok (Senior Researcher, High-Performance Research Network Department, Supercomputing Center/KISTI)
- Vaibhav Sharma
- James Simister (Matsushita Electrical Works R&D Laboratory via emWare)
- Steve Smalley (NSA; previously NAI Labs, NSA)
- Tim Stack (VMware; previously Cisco Systems)
- Sai Susarla (NetApp)
- Pat Tullmann (VMware)
- Jeff Turner (RABA Technologies)
- Kevin Van Maren (Linux Networx; previously Unisys)
- Sean Walton (Sorenson Communications)
- Brian White (Cornell)
- Teresa Whiting (Licensing, Dept of Health, State of Utah)
- Adam Wick (Galois Connections; previously PLT Group)
- Kristin Wright (Arched Rock; previously UCB CS)
- Bin Xin (Purdue)
- Junxing Zhang (UU CS working with Sneha Kasera)