1994 Technical Reports
UUCS-94-001 Type-safe Composition of Object Modules Guruduth Banavar, Gary Lindstrom, and Douglas Orr abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-002 A Dossier Driven Persistent Objects Facility Robert Mecklenburg, Charles Clark, Gary Lindstrom, and Benny Yih abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-003 Persistence is Hard, Then you Die!, or, Complier and Runtime Support for a Persistent Common Lisp J. H. Jacobs, M. R. Swanson and R. R. Kessler abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-009 Case Studies in Symbolic Model Checking Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Dilip Khandekar; Ravi Kuramkote; and Ratan Nalumasu abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-014 A Morphing Algorithm for Generating Near Optimal Grids: Applications in Computational Medicine Parker, Steven G.; David M. Weinstein; and Christopher R.Johnson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-016 Map3d: Scientific Visualization Program for Multichannel Time Series Data on Unstructured, Three Dimensional Meshes MacLeod, R.S.; P.R. Ershler; C.R. Johnson; and M.A. Matheson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-017 Construction of a Human Torso Model from Magnetic Resonance Images for Problems in Computational Electrocardiography MacLeod, R.S.; C.R. Johnson; and P.R. Ershler abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-018 Techniques for Visualizing 3D Unstructured Meshes Gitlin, Carole; and Christopher Johnson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-019 Semi-Automatic Image Segmentation: A Bimodel Thresholding Approach Shen, Han-Wei; and Christopher Johnson abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-021 The Stability of Geometric Inference In Location Determination Sutherland, Karen T abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-022 Automatic Rapid Prototyping of Semi-Custom VLSI Circuits Using FPGA's Yoo, Jae-tack; Kent F. Smith; and Erik Brunvand abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-033 The Design of Object-Oriented Meta-Architectures for Programming Languages Banavar, Guruduth; and Gary Lindstrom abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-035 ETYMA:A Framework for Modular Systems Banavar, Guruduth; Gary Lindstrom; and Douglas Orr abstract pdf ps
UUCS-94-040 Evaluating the Potential of Programmable Multiprocessor Cache Controllers Carter, John B; Mike Hibler, Ravindra R. Kuramkote abstract pdf ps