Example SPAK code for analyzing the robustness of a task set:

int main (void)

  double cs, overrun;
  struct task_set *ts, *ts2, *ts3;
  int feas;
  FILE *outf;

  // set the response-time limit over which the analysis should bail
  max_resp = 100000;

   * create a task set that can contain at most two
   * tasks and use Tindell's response time analysis
  ts = create_task_set (2, 0, 0, 0,
                        "robustness example", 
                        1000, 0, 0, 0,

  //                      C     T     D     J  B  name
  new_simple_task (ts,  400, 1999, 1999,    0, 0,  "t1");
  new_simple_task (ts,  400, 2000, 2000, 1200, 0,  "t2");

  // create a fully preemptive, deadline-monotonic schedule
  set_priorities (ts, DM);
  make_all_preemptible (ts);

  // perform a response time analysis for all tasks
  feas = feasible (ts, TRUE);

  // print some stuff
  printf ("original task set has %d feasible tasks:\n", feas);
  print_task_set (ts);
  printf ("\n\n");

   * do a bunch of simulation runs with max overrun between
   * 0% and 100%, logging number of deadline misses per run
   * to a file
  outf = fopen ("dm.dat", "w");
  assert (outf);
  for (overrun = 0; overrun <= 1.0; overrun += 0.01) {
    simulate (ts, 50000000, NULL, overrun, "DM schedule", outf);
  fclose (outf);

  // compute critical scaling factor of this schedule
  cs = find_critical_scale (ts, &ts2);
  printf ("critical scaling factor is %f\n", cs);
  printf ("scaled task set with DM schedule:\n");
  print_task_set (ts2);
  free_task_set (ts2);
  printf ("\n\n");
   * find the most robust schedule -- not too hard in this
   * case since there are only two possible schedules!
  ts2 = maximize_insensitivity_optimal (ts);
   * do a bunch of simulation runs with max overrun between
   * 0% and 100%, logging number of deadline misses per run
   * to a file
  outf = fopen ("robust.dat", "w");
  assert (outf);
  for (overrun = 0; overrun <= 1.0; overrun += 0.01) {
    simulate (ts2, 50000000, NULL, overrun, "robust schedule", outf);
  fclose (outf);

  // compute critical scaling factor of this schedule
  cs = find_critical_scale (ts2, &ts3);
  printf ("critical scaling factor is %f\n", cs);
  printf ("scaled task set with maximally robust schedule:\n");
  print_task_set (ts2);
  printf ("\n\n");

  free_task_set (ts3);
  free_task_set (ts2);
  free_task_set (ts); 

  return 0;

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