Assignment 6

Due: 10:45am, Tue Mar 4th, 2025

Note: Make reasonable assumptions where necessary and clearly state them. Feel free to discuss problems with classmates, but the only written material that you may consult while writing your solutions are the textbook and lecture slides/videos. Solutions should be uploaded on Gradescope. Show your solution steps so you receive partial credit for incorrect answers and we know you have understood the material. Don't just show us the final answer. We require that answers be typed up and not hand-written.

Every homework has an automatic penalty-free 1.5 day extension to accommodate any health/family-related disruptions. In other words, try to finish your homework by Tuesday 10:45am to keep up with the lecture content, but if necessary, you may take until Wednesday 11:59pm.

  1. Consider a sequential circuit that implements the following function in a self-driving car. In every second, the car's position within the lane is determined with cameras and fed as input to the sequential circuit. Accordingly, the car's steering wheel is moved to one of 2 positions: Left, Right. The car's position can be "Middle of a lane", "Drifting to the right edge of the lane", and "Drifting to the left edge of the lane". If the car is in the "Middle", the steering position is left unchanged. If the car is drifting to one of the edges of the lane, the steering is moved away from the edge, i.e., steering should be moved right if the car is near the left edge of the lane. (40 points)
    1. What are the states for the circuit controlling the steering?
    2. What are the inputs to the circuit and what values can those inputs have?
    3. Draw the finite state table and finite state diagram for this circuit.
  2. Consider the following circuit to control a moving walkway. Every 2 seconds, the circuit examines two weight sensors and decides if the walkway will travel Northward or Southward or be turned off. There is a weight sensor in the North half of the walkway and a weight sensor in the South half of the walkway. If both sensors detect zero weight, the walkway is turned off. If the walkway is off and both sensors detect weight, the walkway remains off. If the walkway is off and one of the sensors detects a weight, the walkway starts moving in the opposite direction, i.e., if the North weight sensor detects a weight, the walkway starts moving Southward. Once the walkway is in motion, it retains that motion until both weight sensors detect zero weight. (60 points)
    1. What are the states for the circuit controlling the walkway?
    2. What are the inputs to the circuit and what values can those inputs have?
    3. Draw the finite state table and finite state diagram for this circuit.