This homework is due September 3, 11:59 PM. Place all of the requested functions in a single file, hw2.scm, and submit it with submit.Note: For this set of exercises, you may want to change DrScheme's printing mode to match the evaluations in class. To do so, select the Choose Language... menu item, click the Show Details button, and select the Constructor radio button on the right side of the panel. The changes take effect the next time you click Execute.
Exercise 2.1, Scheme Functions
Part of Exercise 1.15 in EoPL 1.2.4 (page 24):
number 1 (page 24)
number 2 (page 24)
number 3 (page 24)
number 4 (page 25)
number 5 (page 25)
number 7 (page 25)
number 8 (page 25)
number 9 (page 25)
(In other words, all parts of excercise 1.15 except part 6 and 10.)When implementing the functions, use only the subset of Scheme from the lecture.
Last update: Tuesday, August 27th,