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Re: Conway's Game of Life (cellular automata)
Great story! I'll use it. Although my C experience peaks at about the 60K
lines level...
> From: Matthias Felleisen <matthias@ccs.neu.edu>
> Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 09:20:09 -0500 (EST)
> As Shriram pointed out ..
> But more to the point, here is a story I learned from Keith Cooper who
> took over the intro course from Kathi Fisler who took over from me.
> Keith starts his course with this scenario:
> "Everyone please stand up."
> "If you have not written a program of more than 10 lines,
> please have a seat."
> about 30% sit down
> "If you have not written a program of more than 100 lines,
> please have a seat."
> a few more sit down
> "If you have not written a program of more than 1,000 lines,
> please have a seat."
> 99% sit down.
> "If you have not written a program of more than 10,000 lines,
> please have a seat."
> everyone's sitting by now.
> "If you have not written a program of more than 100,000 lines,
> please have a seat."
> everyone's sitting by now.
> "I have written a program that requires 500,000 lines of C code.
> I have chosen to teach this first course with Scheme because it
> will teach you something good. Are there any questions?"
> I bet that many of you out there can adapt this game to your setting.
> -- Matthias
> P.S. Cooper conducts compiler research and is involved with the GNU C
> project now, funded by some large agency.