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Re: examination of C hackers (was Conway's Game of Life (cellular automata))
> Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2001 19:11:58 -0500 (EST)
> From: Shriram Krishnamurthi <sk@cs.brown.edu>
> Michael, you're confusing two different things. You're talking about
> building up a larger program piece-by-piece (at least, that's what
> your example suggests). Matthias is talking about the process of
> building each of those pieces. Therefore, the issue of "It's probably
> not as detailed as your design recipes but it provided a lot of
> guidance" isn't relevant -- what Matthias is describing is not *more*
> guidance, it's entirely *different*.
> Perhaps people at Caltech really ought to *read* HtDP, now that you've
> tried and disposed of it. (-: <-- type annotation
> Shriram
I'll read it! I'm heading down to the bookstore *this very second* to go
pick it up.
Yes-I'm-serious-ly y'rs,