Workshop on Generative Programming 2002 (GP2002)
April 15, 2002
Submission deadline: February 14, 2002
Satelite of the 7th International Conference on
Software Reuse (ICSR7)
The goal of generative programming is to replace manual search,
adaptation, and assembly of components with the automatic generation
of needed components on demand. Generative technology has been in
practical use for decades (e.g., compiler development, application
generation, automatic configuration management, preprocessing,
meta-programming). However, developing new domain-specific languages
(DSLs), application generators, and component generators has been
extremely hard, as it requires being knowledgeable and experienced
both in language design and compiler development. Recent developments
such as XML technologies and template meta-programming revived the
interest in generative programming by making it more accessible to
The workshop aims to bring together practitioners, researchers,
academics, and students to discuss the state-of-the-art of generative
techniques and their impact on software reuse. The goal is to share
experience, consolidate successful techniques, and identify the most
promising application areas and open issues for future work.
Topics of interest
* impact of generative techniques on component-based development
and software reuse.
* assessing risks and benefits of deploying generative techniques;
* maintenance of generators.
* reuse of generic components, generators, generator components,
configuration languages, and other generative programming assets
across boundaries of projects and/or organizations.
* styles of generative programming (application generators,
generators based on XML technologies, template languages (e.g.,
JSP), template meta-programming, transformational systems,
intentional languages, aspects, subjects, etc), particularly
their uses and limitations.
* generation of code artifacts, such as application logic, UIs,
database schemas, and middleware integration.
* generation of non-code artifacts such as test cases,
documentation, tutorials, and help systems.
* capturing configuration knowledge, for example, in DSLs, and
extensible languages.
* influence on software architecture (e.g., building and
customizing frameworks and applying patterns).
* testing generic and generative models.
* industrial applications of generative technology.
Potential participants are asked to submit a two-page position paper
detailing their experience with generative techniques, their
perspective on one or more of the above topics, and their planned
contribution to the workshop. We seek concrete case studies, and
potential topics of discussion in order to ground the workshop in
real-world issues. Please mail your submission (in PDF or PS) to
Joost Visser (Joost.Visser@cwi.nl) by February 14, 2002.
Important Dates
* Workshop submission deadline: February 14, 2002
* Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2002
* Workshop at ICSR7: April 15, 2002
Workshop format
The workshop will aim to foster discussion and interaction rather than
presentations. Presentations will serve to introduce a case study,
provoke discussion by presenting a controversial point of view, or
introduce new points of view. However, all participants will be given
a chance to make a short presentation.
All accepted position papers will be published on the workshop page
prior to the workshop and the participants will be asked to read the
papers prior to the workshop.
Tentative schedule
Morning session:
* Introductory talk on GP by the organizers.
* First block of presentations, each consisting of a 10 minute talk
by the author of an accepted paper followed by 5 minutes of
answering questions from the audience. The questions are meant
only for clarification; discussion is postponed to the afternoon
* Second block of presentations.
Afternoon session:
* Short invited talk.
* Pro-and-contra session where each paper is discussed by two
volunteers that defend opposing views. The audience is invited to
provide additional arguments.
* Open discussion session aimed at identifying and summarizing open
issues and topics for future work.
Dissemination of results
The results of the workshop will be summarized in a workshop
report. The workshop report and the position papers will be available
form the workshop website after the workshop.
Related events
Past incarnations of this workshop:
1. Generative Programming at ECOOP in Budapest (June 2001).
2. Generative Programming at OOPSLA in Tampa (October 2001).
Conferences and workshops on related topics:
1. Workshop on Generative Techniques for Product Lines.
Held at the First Software-Product Line Conference (SPCL1) in
Denver (August 2000) and at ICSE in Toronto (May 2001).
2. International Conference on Generative and Component-Based
Software Engineering (GCSE).
Held in Erfurt, Germany (September 1999, October 2000, September
Organizing committee
Joost Visser - CWI, The Netherlands, Joost.Visser@cwi.nl
Merijn de Jonge - CWI, The Netherlands
Ted Biggerstaff - USA
Craig Cleaveland - independent software consultant, USA
Krzysztof Czarnecki - DaimlerChrysler Research, Germany
Andre van der Hoek - University of California, USA
Stan Jarzabek - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Shriram Krishnamurthi - Brown University, USA
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