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Re: Conway's Game of Life (cellular automata)
> you left open the question of how HTDP would propose to design
> the Life program.
I think my comments about abstraction relate to something HtDP says about
the importance of creating abstractions, which should have well-defined
Sorry, Anton. I just mean the "overall" design. You handled the
"local" design just fine, but I thought mine was adequate as well.
> But I ran into all kinds of mutability problems, so the list of
> list functional version was easier to code up!
If you want to build a vector recursively, without mutation,[...]
Sorry, I used plenty of mutation, lots of `string-set!', even `set!'.
That's the usual C approach, but Scheme makes it hard. E.g. I needed
`string-copy' in order to be able to mutate the "rows" of my matrices:
(define life
(string-copy " ")
(string-copy " x ")
(string-copy " xxxx ")
(string-copy " x xxxx ")))
Took me a while to see why I couldn't mutate this (shared structure):
(define life (make-vector 30 (make-string 80 #\space)))
> This shows an inelegancy of the x/y approach: your function
> `new-cell-state' does "the same thing" no matter what x & y are.
I'm not sure I follow you. x & y is simply a concise way to
specify a set of nine cells, in this case, and potentially, a
larger set, although you're saying that for this specific
application a larger set isn't needed.
Maybe I'm making an OOP point. I'm just saying that `new-cell-state'
doesn't need the values of x & y, but only the nearest cells, which in
x/y lingo are of course are described by
(x-1,y-1) (x-1,y) (x-1,y+1)
(x,y-1) (x,y+1)
(x+1,y-1) (x+1,y) (x+1,y+1)
Surely you agree. And it would work just as well to describe these
neighbors "relatively" instead of "absolutely" as I did:
nw n ne
w e
sw s se
But then I referred to these nearest neighbors as
(car top) (cadr top) (caddr top)
(car row) (cadr row) (caddr row)
(car bot) (cadr bot) (caddr bot))
which is pretty cumbersome, and I imagine slow as well, and I don't
see that as any improvement over your matrix approach, other than
being functional (no mutation).