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RE: Conway's Game of Life (cellular automata)
Hi Bill,
It looks as though you chose quite early on to implement the game purely in
terms of lists. This seems to have quite strongly affected the overall
structure of the program.
If a pure list implementation isn't an absolute requirement - and in fact,
even if it is - I would be inclined to take a more top-down approach to the
problem. In this case, the problem is hopefully small enough to be immune
to the advice of Alan Perlis: "Everything should be built top-down, except
the first time." I can't vouch for the TLS/TSS/HtDP-ness of my approach,
but you may find it interesting anyway.
To start out with, I would tend to conceive of the top-level solution as a
traditional "map"-style operation - mapping a function over each cell on the
game board, where the function in question determines the next state of the
cell it is provided with. The mapping function would correspond roughly to
your "iterate-life-real" function, although I'm suggesting that the exact
implementation shouldn't be decided yet. So the top-level function would
look as follows:
; returns game board containing the next generation based on the specified
(define (next-generation game-board)
(board-map new-cell-state game-board))
I'm assuming a "board-map" function, as described above, and a
"new-cell-state" function which will return the next state of each cell on
the board. Since I'm guessing you won't let me get away with so little,
I'll write new-cell-state. I assume it takes the value of the current cell
(i.e. whether it's black or white), as well as the x/y coordinates of that
cell, to allow us to figure out which cells are around us. Talking about
coordinates here, though, does tend to push the solution in the direction of
some kind of matrix representation; an alternative would be to pass through
the full 3x3 matrix containing the current cell, which is the solution you
used. I'm going to continue with x/y coordinates while I'm still
"designing", though:
; returns next state of cell with current value as
; specified, based on the state of surrounding cells
(define (new-cell-state cell-value x y)
(let ((count (count-surrounding-black-cells cell-value x y)))
(if (or (= count 3) (and (isblack? cell-value) (= count 2)))
I've assumed a few functions above. They're all trivial, except for
count-surrounding-black-cells. The trivial ones could be defined like this:
(define (isblack? cell) (= cell black-cell-value))
(define (iswhite? cell) (= cell white-cell-value)) ; for completeness,
not used (yet?)
; below functions are implementation-specific, but fairly innocent
(define white-cell-value 0)
(define black-cell-value 1)
The code provided so far actually specifies everything that matters about
Conway's game - what's left now are just implementation details that have no
bearing on the logic of the game. In addition, the details of the
implementation have been left up in the air, although there is that
assumption that x/y coordinates are going to be useful to us.
At this point, I'll come out of the mathematical closet and admit that I'd
just like to implement this using a simple, coordinate-addressable 2D
matrix. If you wanted to hang a list implementation off the above
structure, it's certainly possible. Obviously, it could be done by
providing coordinate addressing functions for your lists, but that would be
pretty inefficient. Alternatively, a suitable implementation for board-map,
and passing the 3x3 values through to count-surrounding-black-cells ought to
allow a reasonably efficient list implementation to be developed.
Ignoring lists, though, here's a matrix-oriented definition for
(define (count-surrounding-black-cells cell-value x y)
(- (matrix-sum board (- x 1) (+ x 2) (- y 1) (+ y 2))
I'm assuming that I have a completely general, non-Life-specific matrix sum
routine that will sum the portion of a matrix specified by an x-range and a
y-range. This once again defers an implementation decision - I could still
implement the matrix as, for example, a vector of vectors, or even a list of
lists (if I'm willing to take the efficiency hit for the latter). To allow
matrix-sum to be truly general, and not have to worry about omitting the
center cell, I simply subtract the center cell's value from the result of
Note that there's a free variable in this function, "board" - I'm assuming
that this function will be defined internal to the next-generation function,
and thus will have access to the current board.
One more important function that I can define, now that I've decided on a
coordinate-addressable matrix:
(define (board-map proc board)
(matrix-map proc board 0 (board-width board) 0 (board-height board)))
Again, I'm assuming a general matrix-map function, which maps a procedure
over each cell in a specified matrix, in this case the board. Although it
may not be strictly necessary in this case, for generality I've assumed that
matrix-map will, like matrix-sum, take an x-range and a y-range, to specify
which cells the procedure should be applied to. I've assumed functions
board-width and board-height to determine those ranges, and I'm also
assuming a zero-based coordinate system, consistent with Scheme's vectors.
Note that this still leaves me pretty agnostic about the exact
implementation of the board/matrix.
What's left now are the implementations of matrix-map and matrix-sum,
functions to convert matrices to displayable images ("pictures"), plus the
overall controlling function. The latter is simple - just a function which
calls next-generation recursively, and if you like, conses together a
picture version of the result from each generation. The matrix-* functions
would require a typical nested loop, and should be no big deal. I don't
really have time to write these right now, but maybe after Christmas if
there's a reason to... I've appended the properly sequenced code so far, at
the end of the message.
Regarding your question about OOP: I don't know about the idea of sending
messages between cells, that seems like overkill to me, and the question
would be what the benefit is. A big point of OOP is to achieve abstraction
and modularity. (As well as reuse, which isn't much of an issue in this
In both of our designs, the most obvious abstraction is the game board
itself. I've defined or specified a few functions related to that:
board-map, board-width, board-height. In a completed system, you would also
need functions like picture->board and board->picture. This set of
functions, taken together, could be seen as methods of a board object, and
the program could be structured that way. This relates to a point I tried
to make above: by encapsulating the board object and only accessing it
through an approved set of functions, you can make its exact implementation
less important, and the higher levels of the program tend to become a better
expression of the actual problem, rather than of the implementation choices.
A cell object could be implemented similarly. Using my version as an
example, this would be done by turning functions like isblack? and
count-surrounding-black-cells into methods of a cell object. Although I
haven't used objects explicitly, the pattern of having a set of functions
relating to a particular abstraction maps easily onto an object design.
I think the biggest way that your program could benefit from an OOP approach
is simply from the abstraction aspect - identify the abstractions and define
functions to deal with them, as I've tried to do. In your program, I see a
lot of implementation-specific code, but very little which provides an
abstraction structure which would be obvious to someone unfamiliar with the
If you wanted to get really fancy, the issue I mentioned earlier, about the
choice of coordinate addressing driving other implementation choices, could
probably be addressed with an OO approach. For example, your list-based
iteration could be wrapped in an iterator-like object which keeps track of
its current position in the lists, and instead of passing x/y coordinates
around as I've done, you could pass a generalized board iterator object,
which once again could have any implementation you like under the hood -
lists, vectors, whatever. Then instead of invoking my
count-surrounding-black-cells function with the three parameters cell-value,
x, and y, you would simply specify the board iterator object as a parameter.
This would once again push implementation decisions about specific data
structures further downstream. I'm not sure it's worth the effort in this
case, though.
Finally, I notice that if one ignores the implementation details, the
overall logic of Conway's game can be expressed quite concisely by the
following program, which is simply the relevant top-level bits from the code
above, combined into a single function:
(define (next-generation game-board)
(lambda (cell-value x y)
(let ((count (count-surrounding-black-cells cell-value x y)))
(if (or (= count 3) (and (isblack? cell-value) (= count 2)))
I think this is useful, since it acts both as a specification and
documentation for the program, as well as being the program itself (the
important bits, anyway). You could imagine giving the above to a junior
programmer with suitable instructions, and asking him to code up the rest.
Code so far follows:
; returns game board containing the next generation based on the specified
(define (next-generation game-board)
; returns next state of cell with current value as
; specified, based on the state of surrounding cells
(define (new-cell-state cell-value x y)
(let ((count (count-surrounding-black-cells cell-value x y)))
(if (or (= count 3) (and (isblack? cell-value) (= count 2)))
(define (count-surrounding-black-cells cell-value x y)
(- (matrix-sum board (- x 1) (+ x 2) (- y 1) (+ y 2))
(board-map new-cell-state game-board))
(define (isblack? cell) (= cell black-cell-value))
(define (iswhite? cell) (= cell white-cell-value)) ; for completeness
; below functions are implementation-specific, but fairly innocent
(define white-cell-value 0)
(define black-cell-value 1)
(define (board-map proc board)
(matrix-map proc board 0 (board-width board) 0 (board-height board)))