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RFC - GL in scheme (long, with code)
For the past few weeks I've been investigating the possibility of
adding OpenGL bindings as an extension to MzScheme. This is not a
small task, and I'm aware of a few previous aborted attempts.
What follow are my thoughts, and a few results from code I've
written. Though I'm not new to scheme, I'm very new to the PLT
community and this is my first attempt at writing a MzScheme
extension. I want as much input as I can possibly get before I go
storming down the wrong path.
Please take a moment to peruse this message, and take special note of
the Questions section, below.
I'm motivated to make the GL extension as flexible as possible. I
want it to be straight-forward to use in a MrEd application, but I
also want it to be useful when MzScheme is embedded in a GLUT, Win32,
GLX, or even CAVELib application (my primary emphasis).
In the list archives it was suggested that a useful GL extension be
implemented as a canvas% subclass where GL calls are methods of a
canvas object. I don't want to preclude doing this, but I see is as
syntactic sugar. This is not the route I'm currently taking, but see
below for how it could be done.
To begin with, I've chosen a tiny subset of the GL API as a test case.
With a few matrix handling, primitive specification, and attribute
specification functions, it's just enough to get something up on the
screen. For each function in the (mini) GL API a scheme procedure is
implemented in C. This C function checks the argument types and
passes them off to the GL function. This assumes that a valid GL
context exists and is ready to take state changes. Very simple. The
extension implementation may be found at the end of this message.
Here's a bit of sample MrEd code using the extension. It subclasses
and instantiates a canvas% with the gl style and displays a colored
cube. The cube may be rotated and zoomed with the arrow keys, pgup,
and pgdown. This requires version 200, and has only been tested under
Windows (I was told that currently only Windows supports the gl
(load-extension "D:\\Source\\gl\\gl.dll")
(define my-canvas%
(class canvas%
(override on-char on-size on-paint)
(define rho -5.0)
(define phi 0.0)
(define theta 0.0)
(define (reshape w h)
(let ([a (/ (exact->inexact w)
(exact->inexact h))])
(gl-viewport 0 0 w h)
(gl-matrix-mode gl-projection)
(gl-frustum (- a) a -1.0 1.0 2.0 100.0)
(gl-matrix-mode gl-modelview)
(define (draw)
(let ([v #((0.0 0.0 0.0) (1.0 0.0 0.0)
(0.0 1.0 0.0) (1.0 1.0 0.0)
(0.0 0.0 1.0) (1.0 0.0 1.0)
(0.0 1.0 1.0) (1.0 1.0 1.0))]
[p '((5 1 3 7) (0 4 6 2) (6 7 3 2)
(0 1 5 4) (4 5 7 6) (1 0 2 3))])
(gl-enable gl-color-material)
(gl-enable gl-depth-test)
(gl-clear (bitwise-ior gl-color-buffer-bit gl-depth-buffer-bit))
(gl-translate-f 0.0 0.0 rho)
(gl-rotate-f theta 0.0 1.0 0.0)
(gl-rotate-f phi 1.0 0.0 0.0)
(gl-translate-f -0.5 -0.5 -0.5)
(gl-begin gl-quads)
(for-each (lambda (f)
(for-each (lambda (i)
(apply gl-color-3f (vector-ref v i))
(apply gl-vertex-3f (vector-ref v i)))
(define (on-size w h)
(send this with-gl-context (lambda () (reshape w h))))
(define (on-char ch)
(case (send ch get-key-code)
((prior) (set! rho (- rho 0.1)))
((next) (set! rho (+ rho 0.1)))
((up) (set! phi (- phi 10.0)))
((down) (set! phi (+ phi 10.0)))
((left) (set! theta (- theta 10.0)))
((right) (set! theta (+ theta 10.0))))
(send this with-gl-context (lambda () (draw)))
(send this swap-gl-buffers))
(define (on-paint)
(send this with-gl-context (lambda () (draw)))
(send this swap-gl-buffers))
(super-instantiate () (style '(gl)))))
(define frame
(make-object frame% "GL Test" #f 512 512))
(make-object my-canvas% frame)
(send frame show #t)
This takes a very C-like view of GL usage. As GL hides its state, GL
code ends up being somewhat un-scheme-like lists of gl-do-something
The on-char handler calls the draw function directly, rather than
invoking refresh on the window in order to generate a paint event.
This is because the on-paint handler clears the window to its
background color before doing the rendering, resulting in serious
If one prefers that GL calls be methods of a gl-canvas%, such a canvas
has a straightforward definition. Note that each of its methods will
have to thunkify the GL procedure, and pass it to with-gl-context by
hand. It might look something like this.
(define gl-canvas%
(class canvas%
(define/public (clear b)
(send this with-gl-context (lambda () (gl-clear b))))
(define/public (vertex-3f x y z)
(send this with-gl-context (lambda () (gl-vertex-3f x y z))))
; etc...
(super-instantiate () (style '(gl)))))
I toyed with this early on, and it worked, but I decided it seemed
like the long route to where I wanted to be. That class will have a
couple hundred methods.
Note that naming becomes an issue. A window already has an "enable"
method, and it doesn't seem right defining a method called "begin".
Finding an elegant naming scheme is an exercise left to the reader.
GL makes heavy use of blocks of data for things such as vertex arrays
and textures. It will be necessary to create vector types for each of
the GL types: gl-float-vec, gl-uint-vec, gl-ubyte-vec, etc. These
would support make-, -length, -ref, and -set! vector operations, and
would hopefully be as unsurprising as possible.
Given that many modern GL applications are bus-bound, transform-bound,
or fill-bound, the ability to define vertex arrays using such vectors
would allow for scheme GL code that performs every bit as well as the
equivalent C code.
I'm considering creating a few wrappers. For instance, there are a
wide variety of vertex commands for different argument types and
counts: gl-vertex-3f, gl-vertex-4f, gl-vertex-2i, etc. It might be
convenient to have a gl-vertex function that counts the arguments and
chooses which gl-vertex-* to call, possibly converting all arguments
up to a consistent type. While this would hurt performance in
immediate mode, any overhead would magically disappear when using
display lists.
Similarly, I'm of the opinion that this is fairly ugly:
(gl-begin gl-triangles)
(gl-vertex-2i 0 0)
(gl-vertex-2i 1 0)
(gl-vertex-2i 0 1)
Something like this is a little less ugly:
(gl-vertex-2i 0 0)
(gl-vertex-2i 1 0)
(gl-vertex-2i 0 1))
A macro could optionally expand the second into the first. The final
code might look like this:
(gl-vertex 0 0)
(gl-vertex 1 0)
(gl-vertex 0 1))
A similar macro expansion could be done with gl-push-matrix and
gl-pop-matrix, which almost always come in pairs.
How can the use of a GL extension be made more scheme-ish? SHOULD the
use of a GL extension be more scheme-ish?
The C functions all return scheme_void (with the exception of some
unimplemented state queries). Does this make sense?
A very large majority of GL functions have side effects. So, naming
the procedures as gl-do-something! might be in order. However, the
state being changed is external to the environment. A ! on every GL
call begins to look cluttered anyway. Thoughts on this?
Should the GL extension be packed into a unit somehow?
An alternative implementation would have the C functions assume their
arguments are perfect. Scheme wrappers would check type and count.
Is there any advantage or disadvantage to this approach?
How's the naming? Would a different choice of symbols be better?
It would seem that gl-vertex-3f is more scheme-ish than glVertex3f.
If you have ANYTHING AT ALL to say about this, or GL scheme in
general, please let me know. Reply to the list, or to my mail of need
Here is the implementation of the mini-GL extension. There's nothing
at all out of the ordinary about it. It's pretty pedantic. A full GL
implementation done in this style would be a very long, very
repetitious mass of code. Compile it with:
mzc --cc gl.c
mzc --ld gl.dll gl.obj opengl32.lib
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "escheme.h"
static Scheme_Object *gl_begin(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_INTP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-begin", "exact integer", 0, argc, argv);
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_clear(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_INTP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-clear", "exact integer", 0, argc, argv);
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_color_3f(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-color-3f", "float", 0, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[1]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-color-3f", "float", 1, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[2]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-color-3f", "float", 2, argc, argv);
glColor3f((GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[0]),
(GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[1]),
(GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[2]));
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_enable(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_INTP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-enable", "exact integer", 0, argc, argv);
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_end(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_frustum(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-frustum", "float", 0, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[1]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-frustum", "float", 1, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[2]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-frustum", "float", 2, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[3]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-frustum", "float", 3, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[4]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-frustum", "float", 4, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[5]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-frustum", "float", 5, argc, argv);
glFrustum((GLdouble) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[0]),
(GLdouble) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[1]),
(GLdouble) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[2]),
(GLdouble) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[3]),
(GLdouble) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[4]),
(GLdouble) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[5]));
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_load_identity(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_matrix_mode(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_INTP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-matrix-mode", "exact integer", 0, argc, argv);
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_pop_matrix(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_push_matrix(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_vertex_3f(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-vertex-3f", "float", 0, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[1]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-vertex-3f", "float", 1, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[2]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-vertex-3f", "float", 2, argc, argv);
glVertex3f((GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[0]),
(GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[1]),
(GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[2]));
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_rotate_f(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-rotate-f", "float", 0, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[1]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-rotate-f", "float", 1, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[2]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-rotate-f", "float", 2, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[3]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-rotate-f", "float", 3, argc, argv);
glRotatef((GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[0]),
(GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[1]),
(GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[2]),
(GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[3]));
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_translate_f(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-translate-f", "float", 0, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[1]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-translate-f", "float", 1, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_FLOATP(argv[2]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-translate-f", "float", 2, argc, argv);
glTranslatef((GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[0]),
(GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[1]),
(GLfloat) SCHEME_FLT_VAL(argv[2]));
return scheme_void;
static Scheme_Object *gl_viewport(int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
if (!SCHEME_INTP(argv[0]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-viewport", "exact integer", 0, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_INTP(argv[1]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-viewport", "exact integer", 1, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_INTP(argv[2]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-viewport", "exact integer", 2, argc, argv);
if (!SCHEME_INTP(argv[3]))
scheme_wrong_type("gl-viewport", "exact integer", 3, argc, argv);
return scheme_void;
#define SCM_PROC(s, f, a, z, e) \
scheme_add_global(s, scheme_make_prim_w_arity(f, s, a, z), e)
#define SCM_ENUM(s, o, e) \
scheme_add_global(s, scheme_make_integer(o), e)
Scheme_Object *scheme_initialize(Scheme_Env *env)
SCM_PROC("gl-begin", gl_begin, 1, 1, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-clear", gl_clear, 1, 1, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-color-3f", gl_color_3f, 3, 3, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-enable", gl_enable, 1, 1, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-end", gl_end, 0, 0, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-frustum", gl_frustum, 6, 6, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-load-identity", gl_load_identity, 0, 0, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-matrix-mode", gl_matrix_mode, 1, 1, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-pop-matrix", gl_pop_matrix, 0, 0, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-push-matrix", gl_push_matrix, 0, 0, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-rotate-f", gl_rotate_f, 4, 4, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-translate-f", gl_translate_f, 3, 3, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-vertex-3f", gl_vertex_3f, 3, 3, env);
SCM_PROC("gl-viewport", gl_viewport, 4, 4, env);
SCM_ENUM("gl-color-buffer-bit", GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, env);
SCM_ENUM("gl-color-material", GL_COLOR_MATERIAL, env);
SCM_ENUM("gl-depth-buffer-bit", GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, env);
SCM_ENUM("gl-depth-test", GL_DEPTH_TEST, env);
SCM_ENUM("gl-modelview", GL_MODELVIEW, env);
SCM_ENUM("gl-projection", GL_PROJECTION, env);
SCM_ENUM("gl-triangles", GL_TRIANGLES, env);
SCM_ENUM("gl-quads", GL_QUADS, env);
return scheme_void;
Scheme_Object *scheme_reload(Scheme_Env *env)
return scheme_initialize(env);
Scheme_Object *scheme_module_name()
return scheme_false;