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RE: Error in Download Page

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Steckler [mailto:steck@ccs.neu.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:46 AM
> To: Brent Fulgham
> Cc: plt-scheme@fast.cs.utah.edu
> Subject: RE: Error in Download Page
> How did you get to that page?
> The table at
>   http://download.plt-scheme.org/doc/
> seems to be OK.
> -- Paul

Wow -- you are absolutely right.  That link works just fine.

Now try this experiment:

1.  Click on Matthew's link for the C-FFI:


2.  Realize that there is probably other interesting documentation, so
delete the "/html/mzc/mzc-Z-H-2.html" from your browsers "Address"


3.  A perfectly respectable menu appears.  If you click on any of the
items you get the behavior I described.

It looks like the server is assuming you are always coming from the
top-level "http://download.plt-scheme.org/doc"; address.

