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PLI 2002-Second call for workshop proposals
- To: amast@cs.utwente.nl, caml-list@pauillac.inria.fr, ccp@sics.se, clp@comp.nus.edu.sg, clean-list@cs.kun.nl, compunode@dfki.de, concurrency@cwi.nl, eacsl@dimi.uniud.it, erlang-questions@erlang.org, gulp@di.unipi.it, haskell@haskell.org, lprolog@cs.umn.edu, mercury-ads@cs.mu.oz.au, prolog-vendors@sics.se, rewriting@ens-lyon.fr, sicstus-users@sics.se, types@cis.upenn.edu, users@mozart-oz.org, grin@di.unipi.it, eatcs-it@cs.unibo.it, formal-methods@cs.uidaho.edu, theorem-provers@ai.mit.edu, lprolog@cis.umn.edu, theorynt@listserv.nodak.edu, forum@jsoftware.com, pl-seminar@ccs.neu.edu, church-announce@types.bu.edu, plt-scheme@fast.cs.utah.edu, appsem@cs.chalmers.se, ecoop-info@ecoop.org, pept@yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp, blackberry@cse.ogi.edu, action-semantics@brics.dk, comlab@comlab.ox.ac.uk, acl2@cs.utexas.edu, coq-club@pauillac.inria.fr, nuprllist@CS.Cornell.EDU, system-safety@listserv.gsfc.nasa.gov, categories@mta.ca, logic@theory.lcs.mit.edu, logic@CS.Cornell.EDU, mlnet@swi.psy.uva.nl
- Subject: PLI 2002-Second call for workshop proposals
- From: Carsten Schuermann <carsten@cs.yale.edu>
- Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 11:32:52 -0500
- Organization: Yale University
- Sender: owner-plt-scheme@fast.cs.utah.edu
Principles, Logics, and Implementations
of high-level programming languages (PLI 2002)
Pittsburgh, USA
October 3 - 8, 2002
Carsten Schuermann
PLI 2002, a federation of colloquia which includes ICFP 2002
(ACM-SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming), PPDP
2002 (ACM-SIGPLAN International Conference on Principles and Practice
of Declarative Programming), and GC 2002 (ACM-SIGPLAN Conference on
Generative Component-based Software Engineering (GCSE), and the
Semantics, Applications, and Implementation of Program Generators
(SAIG) Generators and Components). PLI 2002 will be held in
Pittsburgh, USA, October 3 - 8 2002. Affiliated workshops will be
scheduled from October 3 through October 8.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit workshop
proposals, that may be sent to the PLI 2002 Workshop Chair
Carsten Schuermann, carsten@cs.yale.edu
by e-mail (Postscript, Pdf, ASCII) with "PLI02 Workshop Submission" in
the subject header.
Following SIGPLAN's sponsorship procedures, proposals should include:
1. Name of the workshop and the sponsoring conference (ICFP/PPDP/GC).
Workshops associated with ICFP may be scheduled during PPDP/GC,
workshops associated with PPDP may be scheduled during ICFP,
workshops associated with GC may be scheduled during ICFP.
2. The goals of the workshop.
3. Names and addresses of organizers.
4. Names of potential participants, such as program committee members.
5. Plans for call for participation (e.g., call for papers).
6. Expected number of attendees.
7. Plans for publicity.
8. Plans for a proceedings.
9. Description of past versions of the workshop including date,
organizers, paper submission/acceptance counts, attendance,
site, registration fees and summary budget information.
10. Url address of the workshop description.
Proposals will be evaluated by the PLI 2002 Workshop Chair, the ICFP,
PPDP, and GC Program and Conference Chairs, and by the SIGPLAN
Executive Committee. Be advised that workshops must be sponsored by
SIGPLAN and require therefore SIGPLAN approval (see
http://www.acm.org/sigplan/sigplan_workshop_proposal.htm for more
Notification of acceptance will be made by February 1, 2002.
Workshop selection committee:
Don Batory : Program Co-Chair of GC 2002
Charles Consel : Program Co-Chair of GC 2002
Claude Kirchner : Program Chair of PPDP 2002
Simon Peyton Jones : Program Chair of ICFP 2002
Frank Pfenning : General Chair of PPDP 2002
Carsten Schuermann : Workshop Chair of PLI 2002
Walid Taha : General Chair of GC 2002
Mitch Wand : General Chair of ICFP 2002