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closing an application

I tried to close a window with the following code :
 (unit/sig ()
   (import mred^)
   (define f (make-object (class frame% (title w h x y)
                            (override [on-close exit])
                            (sequence (super-init title #f w h x y)))
               "My first program" 300 200 350 150))
   (define m (make-object message% "This is a message" f))
   (make-object button% "Close me" f (lambda (b e) (send f show #f)))
   (send f show #t)
   (yield (make-semaphore 0)))
   mred^ )
The application hould close when clicking on the "close me" button.
The problem is that the window is hidden, but the application does not stop.
I tried also to send a 'close' message (send f close)
but this message is not understood.
Any suggestion ?
Maurizio Ferreira