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ICLP'01/CP'01: Extended Deadline for Early Registration
[More than 240 people have already registered for the joint ICLP'01/
CP'01 conference. However, due to the recent turmoil in the world
and the fact that many of the workshops have had late notification dates,
the organizers of ICLP'01/CP'01 have extended the deadline for early
registration to 2nd Nov., 2001. Please register as soon as possible,
to take advantage of these reduced rates. Early registration also helps
us in planning better.
-- Tony Kakas on behalf of the Organizing Committe].
Nov 26 - Dec. 1
The international conference on logic programming will be held in
the beautiful sea resort of Paphos, Cyprus. The conference will be
co-located with Constraint Programming 2001 (CP'01). The conference
program includes invited talks by Robert Kowalski, Alain Colmerauer,
and Patrick Cousot, and tutorials on various contemporary topics. A
number of postconference workshops are also part of the program. The
program also includes excursions to sites around Paphos. Reduced hotel
rates near the conference sites are still available.
More information can be obtained from the ICLP'01 website
08.45 Opening
09.00 Invited talk
Is Logic Really Dead, or Only Just Sleeping?
Robert A. Kowalski (Imperial College, London)
10.30 Coffee
11.15 Implementation and Parallelism
Understanding Memory Management in Prolog Systems
Luís Fernando Castro, and Vítor Santos Costa
PALS: A Distributed Or-Parallel Implementation of Prolog on
a Beowulf Architecture
K. Villaverde, E. Pontelli, H. Guo, and Gopal Gupta
On a Tabling Engine that can Exploit Or-Parallelism
Ricardo Rocha, Fernando Silva, and Vítor Santos Costa
12.45 Lunch
14.30 Constraints
Revisiting the cardinality Operator and Introducing the
cardinality-path Constraint Family
Nicolas Beldiceanu and Mats Carlsson
Optimizing Compilation of Constraint Handling Rules
Christian Holzbaur, Peter J. Stuckey, Maria Garcia de la Banda,
and David Jeffrey
Building Constraint Solvers with HAL
Maria Garcia de la Banda, David Jeffery, Kim Marriott , Peter J.
Stuckey, and Christian Holzbaur
16.00 Coffee
16.45 Tutorial
Building real-life applications with Prolog
Jan Wielemaker (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
19.00 Welcome Reception/Dinner (at the Hotel)
09.00 Static Analysis
Practical Aspects for a working Compile Time Garbage Collection
System for Mercury
Nancy Mazur, Peter Ross, Gerda Janssens, and Maurice Bruynooghe
Positive Boolean Functions as Multiheaded Clauses
Jacob M. Howe and Andy King
Higher-Precision Groundness Analysis
Michael Codish, Samir Genaim, Harald Sondergaard, and Peter J. Stuckey
10.30 Excursion to Paphos Mosaics & St Paul's Pillar
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Invited Talk
Patrick Cousot (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France)
Title to be Announced
16.00 Coffee
16.45 Tutorial
A Close Look at Constraint-Based Concurrency
Kazunori Ueda (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan)
18.30 Prolog Programming Competition
09.00 Tabulation Techniques
Speculative Beats Conservative Justification
Hai-Feng Guo, C.R. Ramakrishnan, and I.V. Ramakrishnan
Local and Symbolic Bisimulation using Tabled Constraint
Logic Programming
Samik Basu, Madhavan Mukund, C.R. Ramakrishnan, I.V. Ramakrishnan,
and Rakesh Verma
A Simple Scheme for Implementing Tabled Logic Programming
Systems based on Dynamic Reordering of Alternatives
Hai-Feng Guo and Gopal Gupta
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Tutorial
Natural Language Tabular Parsing
Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie (INRIA - Rocquencourt, France)
12.30 Lunch
13.45 Excursion:
Aphrodite's Trail
Performance by the Cyprus Orchestra of Ancient Greek Musical Organs
Light Dinner
09.00 Non Monotonic Reasoning 1
Fixed-parameter complexity of semantics for logic programs
Zbigniew Lonc and Miroslaw Truszczynski
Well-founded and stable semantics for logic programs with aggregates
Marc Denecker, Nikolay Pelov, and Maurice Bruynooghe
Alternating Fixed Points in Boolean Equation Systems as
Preferred Stable Models
K. Narayan Kumar, C.R. Ramakrishnan, and Scott A. Smolka
10.30 Coffee
11.15 Tutorial
Probabilistic reasoning in databases and logic programs
V.S. Subrahmanian (University of Maryland, USA)
12.45 Lunch
14.30 Invited Talk
X-tegration - some cross-enterprise thoughts
Ashish Gupta (Chief Scientific Officer, Tavant Technologies)
16.00 Coffee
16.30 Non-monotonic Reasoning 2
Fages' Theorem for Programs with Nested Expressions
Esra Erdem and Vladimir Lifschitz
Semantics of normal logic programs with embedded implications
Fernando Orejas, Elvira Pino, and Edelmira Pasarella
A Multi-Adjoint Logic Approach to Abductive Reasoning
Jesus Medina, Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, and Peter Vojtas
18.30 Conference Dinner at the wine village of Polemi (Cypriot Night)
09.00 Extensions
Proving correctness and completeness of normal
programs - a declarative approach.
Wlodzimierz Drabent and Miroslawa Milkowska
An Order-sorted Resolution with Implicitly Negative Sorts
Ken Kaneiwa and Satoshi Tojo
Logic Programming in a Fragment of Intutionistic Temporal Linear Logic
Mutsunori Banbara, Kyoung-Sun Kang, Takaharu Hirai, and Noyuki Tamura
10.30 Coffee
11.15 Databases
A Logic Programming Approach to the Integration, Repairing and Querying
of Inconsistent Databases
G. Greco, S. Greco and E. Zumpano
A Computational Model for Functional Logic Deductive Databases
Jesus Manuel Almendros Jimenez, Antonio Becerra Teron and
Jaime Sanchez Hernandez
12.45 Lunch
14.00 Invited Talk
Alain Colmerauer (University of Marseille, France)
Solving the mutiplication constraint in several approximation spaces
15.30 Coffee
17.30 Joint CP & ICLP Panel
"The future of LP and CP Systems"
SATURDAY (1st of December)
9.00 Workshops till 19.00.
CICLOPS: Colloquium on Implementation of Constraints and
Logic Programming Systems
CLIMA: 2nd Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-agent
CLPSE: (Constraint) Logic Programming and Software Engg.
CRGD: Complex Reasoning on Geographical Data
RCoRP'01: 3rd Workshop on Rule-based Constraint Reasoning and
SAVE'01: Specificatin, Analysis, and Validation for Emerging
Technologies in Computational Logic
WLPE'01: 11th Workshop on Logic Programming Environments
Excursions to the Akamas Nature Reserve
(Optional - Not included in the Registration Fee)