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Re: DrScheme as Emacs-like kitchen sink
On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 03:07:23PM -0400, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Nice idea. How about left parens become +/- by default.
> (define rev-append
> (lambda (ls1 ls2)
> (if (null? ls1)
> ls2
> (rev-append (cdr ls1) (cons (car ls1) ls2)))))
> Mouse over ( at lambda and click:
> (define rev-append
> (...))
> Mouse over ... and you can expand it back.
> Can you edit in both modes? -- Matthias
If (...) is not text but a different read-only snip then you can
edit the rest of the code and delete/cut/paste the (...) entirely
without being able to change it to (..xy.) or (.)