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Re: list of email in spanish

webmaster@usuarioslinux.f2s.com writes:

Hey Andrey,


> Mny people use scheme but they do not know ingles, for that reason I propose to 
> make a list of mail in Spanish sponsored by plt. the mail list is for 
> programmers with a begining, intrrmediate and advansed level. 

Shriram has already started such a project, and pretty soon you will
see the announce in the usual channels.  How soon? I can't really
tell, but soon.  On our side, the Mexican girls and boys, we started
the translation of HtDP (that should have been over by now, but it is
not yet), and are willing to help in the translation of pretty much
the whole thing (DrScheme --the interface--, technical manuals,
HOWTOs, etc.).

So I guess what I'm trying to say is: stay tuned for we will try to
push the PLT goodies into the Spanish world. =)


P.S. Andrey: ¿Quieres que te envíe esta información en español?