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Re: what do I do wrong?
--- Paul Argentoff <paul@paul.rtelekom.ru> wrote:
> ... So I don't
> understand why the following code:
> (define frame (make-object frame:basic-mixin%
> "label" #f 500 400))
> ... produces this error:
> 7.28-7.46: reference to undefined identifier:
> frame:basic-mixin%
The error is in the call to make-object. Replacing
frame:basic-mixin% with frame% works. A mixin
modifies another object to add properties to it. It
is not an object in its own right. Too use the mixin
you must provide a class to modify:
(define frame (make-object (frame:basic-mixin frame%)
"label" #f 500 400))
I hope that's all correct!
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