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Re: Yet another feature request for the web-server
"Paul T. Graunke" <ptg@ccs.neu.edu> writes:
> In the unreleased version-200 release of the server, I extended the possible
> result types from an x-expression to either
> - an x-expression
> - a (listof string) where the first string is a mime type
> and the rest are content
> - a structure of type
> (make-response/full nat str nat str (listof (cons sym str))
> (listof str))
> If others have suggestions/objections, please let me know before version 200
> goes out.
Two questions:
1. Will this be back ported to the 103 branch?
2. Shouldn't the web-server offer the usual CGI Environment
variables, say in the `headers' part of the cgi^ signature?
See: http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/env.html
that would ease converting usual (Fast)CGIs from an apache-like
environment to the PLT web server way. Changing (fcgi:)getenv for
get-binding (or similar) is fast, re-design, and re-implement is
not (same thing applies for the 103 -> 200 transition, I guess. I
haven't try, though.) =)