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RE: bytecode unification for scripting (and other!) languages
> 6. This reasoning led Cartwright, Fagan and myself to a
> discussion of soft typing -- in 1988. Over the following 13
> years, Cartwright and I supervised three dissertations on
> this topic. I believe in working systems and we produced
> two distinct soft typers with different interfaces and
> different underlying mechanisms. If you don't know, take
> a look at PLT's publication site
> http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/Publications/
> Look for our PDLI 96 paper (lead author: Cormac Flanagan).
> Even flame-throwing theory eaters will be able to read this
> introductory paper. There is more there, and I am willing to
> report on my experiences, if there is interest, because I am
> by far the most diligent user of all these soft typing systems
> over the past 13 years.
> PLT is returning to this topic. Stay tuned. -- Matthias
I enjoyed this paper very much. However, I thought I read on this
list that MrSpidey was not going to be incorporated into the
forthcoming iteration of DrScheme. If this is true, is a new
and improved replacement in store?