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RE: bytecode unification for scripting (and other!) languages
> 2. Having said that, I believe that programmers should actually think
> their types, in all situations. As Michael also points out, if you
> understand the types of your program well, you avoid many mistakes.
> errors manifest themselves in violations of data invariants, and that's
> what these simple proof systems called type systems are good at.
I disagree with the implication of this. The implication is that, when a
programmer reasons incorrectly about their types, they should get slapped
on the hand -- whether as a static rejection, a la ML, or as a dynamic check
failure, a la Scheme, is irrelevant.
I believe there is a very useful way of relaxing this restriction to capture
the essence of scripting, while still recovering it when programs grow to
engineer software. PLT Scheme needs a "scripting" language level, where
operators coerce heavily: APPEND consumes strings as well as lists; FIRST
works on vectors, not just pairs; and so on.
MrSpidey then needs a scripting analysis level, where it flags these coerced
uses in ultra-special-red, meaning "this may have worked for you earlier,
it sure won't work now". Based on the coercions
> 3. Still, when I write one-line scripts, I don't want to write down types,
> because the typing of my program is so obvious that it just slows me
> down. Then again, some scripts contain some really hairy
> pieces of code,
> and perhaps I should write down types right there so that *I* the
> scripter can figure out what I mean.
> 4. Because many scripts evolve into "real" programs, that means scripting
> languages need a (partial) type reconstructing environments.
> 5. The problem with ML's version of this idea is that it is too rigid. It
> is about a system of disjoint types (claims about value flow)
> and in our
> daily experience of script programming, we need more. We also need more
> because we tend to extend the data sets of programs over time, and ML
> won't let us do this without major editing.
> 6. This reasoning led Cartwright, Fagan and myself to a discussion of soft
> typing -- in 1988. Over the following 13 years, Cartwright and I
> supervised three dissertations on this topic. I believe in working
> systems and we produced two distinct soft typers with different
> interfaces and different underlying mechanisms. If you don't know, take
> a look at PLT's publication site
> http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/Publications/
> Look for our PDLI 96 paper (lead author: Cormac Flanagan). Even
> flame-throwing theory eaters will be able to read this introductory
> paper. There is more there, and I am willing to report on my
> experiences, if there is interest, because I am by far the
> most diligent
> user of all these soft typing systems over the past 13 years.
> PLT is returning to this topic. Stay tuned. -- Matthias