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RE: Any Examples of COM (and perhaps ADO)?

> However, I can do the same thing in DrScheme - load the same file
> multiple
> times, either in the definitions or interactions window - and it works
> fine.
> The problem doesn't occur until an ADO Connection object has been
> instantiated and opened one or more times, whether in the definitions
> or
> interactions window.  After that's happened, any subsequent presses of
> Execute will fail.

OK, I think I've found a fix.  It looks like the ADO implementation is
either interacting badly with the DrScheme garbage-collector, or there's
an outright error in its reference-counting.  I'll have to experiment to
see which hypothesis is true.

In any case, adding

  (com-add-ref conn)

after opening the connection fixes the symptom.

This shouldn't be necessary, of course ... sigh.

-- Paul