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Re: Reading characters from input
On Aug 2, David Skoupil wrote:
> I am looking for a quick (and easy) way of reading characters from
> keyboard without waiting for "Return" key, possibly including
> special characters like keyboard arrows.
If you're using Unix then one option you have is to use stty to change
the tty settings, the following piece of code is something I use that
does that.
(define (printff . args)
(apply printf args) (flush-output))
(define (get-process-output-line exe . args)
(let ((p (apply process*/ports #f (current-input-port) (current-error-port)
exe args)))
(begin0 (read-line (car p))
(close-input-port (car p)))))
(define (find-exe exe) (find-executable-path exe exe))
(define tty-exe (find-exe "tty"))
(define stty-exe (find-exe "stty"))
(define yes/no?
(if (system* tty-exe "-s")
;; tty -> interactive version using raw mode
(let ((tty-settings (get-process-output-line stty-exe "-g")))
(lambda (str . args)
(parameterize ((current-output-port (current-error-port)))
(printff "~a [Y/N] <?>~a~a"
(apply format str args) #\backspace #\backspace)
(lambda () (system* stty-exe "-icanon" "-echo" "min" "1"))
(lambda ()
(let loop ()
(let ((ch (char-downcase (read-char))))
(if (memq ch '(#\y #\n))
(begin (write-char ch) (flush-output) (eq? ch #\y))
(lambda () (system* stty-exe tty-settings) (newline))))))
;; not a tty -> simple version
(lambda (str . args)
(parameterize ((current-output-port (current-error-port)))
(let ((msg (apply format str args)))
(let loop ((inp #f))
(case inp
((#\y) #t)
((#\n) #f)
(printff "~a [Yes/No] " msg)
(cond ((regexp-match (format "[^ ~a]" #\tab) (read-line))
=> (lambda (x) (char-downcase (string-ref (car x) 0))))
(else #f)))))))))))
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!