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Re: bytecode unification for scripting languages

--- Shriram Krishnamurthi <sk@cs.brown.edu> wrote:
> PS: Full disclosure: I just spent 3 days at MS
> hearing about .NET.
>     But my comments are based not on the fact that
> I'm easily bought
>     -- perhaps I am -- but rather than the CIL/CLR
> is, at least on
>     paper, *good*.

I've been meaning to look at .NET for a while, but,
heck, I'm lazy and other things are more interesting. 
Do you think it is appropriate for Scheme?  I assumed
the CIL would have forced you into a single dispatch
OO world, possibly without closures (which you'd have
to fake with classes).  Similarly I don't expect the
standard classes to feel very Schemey and I imagine
implementing units would be hard.


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