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mzscheme extension problems


We have some problems in developing an extension that use threads.

First i compiled and load successfully the extension in Drscheme. Some
functions worked, but because the external code open OS threads, i've got
several segmentation fault.

Using the 103 distribution, I compiled the system with OS threads, but had
to hack the linux_thread.c file to make it compile (Linux kernel 2.4.3
Mandrake 8.0 distribution)

I tried to load again the extension but now get the error :  "undefined
symbol : scheme_current_process"

I tried also to link the mzdyn.o file into my .so extension but get the error :
"multiple definition : scheme-initialiez-internal"

I tried the CVS version but can not compile because of errors when
compiling the linux_thread.c file.

Any ideas?


Stephane Letz

Grame: Centre National de creation musicale
9, Rue du Garet
69001 Lyon
Tel: 04-72-07-37-00
Fax: 04-72-07-37-01
Web: www.grame.fr