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RE: MysterX Message Loop?
At 1:49 PM -0500 7/18/01, Paul A. Steckler wrote:
>I believe that MrEd also separates the REPL thread from threads used
>by programs. The difference appears to be that MrEd doesn't
>shut down when MrEd threads have any pending events left,
>using the mechanism described by Robby Findler. So the differences
>are perhaps not so great, after all.
MrEd does provide a mechanism to implement the desired behavior, in fact.
If MysterX were to use the `yield' primitive, it could guarantee that
there was (at least) a single event on the queue until all of the
mysterx windows were closed. Then, it could give up that event.
Here's how:
;; at startup of mysterx:
(define mysterx-event-semaphore (make-semaphore 0))
(yield mysterx-event-semaphore)
;; then, later on:
(when last-mysterx-window-closes?
(semaphore-post mysterx-event-semaphore))
[ sorry for the duplicate content -- the first message I sent about
this didn't go to the list ]